INT 6B - NPC NCSI EXTENDED SERIAL I/O - GET STATUS                              
	AH = 10h
	AL = connection ID (Novell TELAPI.EXE)
	CX = ???
	ES:BX -> buffer for status (see #03730)
Return: CF clear if successful
	    CL = ???
	    CH = ???
	CF set on error
Notes:	this function is also supported by TelAPI
	when shelled out to an external protocol from Novell NASI, the circuit
	  whose status indicates that it is connected is the currently active
SeeAlso: AX=0700h,AH=12h,AH=1Fh

Format of NASI status:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03730)
 00h	BYTE	number of allocated virtual circuits
 01h	BYTE	reserved
 02h  9 BYTEs	states of emulated circuits 0-8
		00h idle
		01h attached Telnet session, in command state
		02h attached Telnet session, connected with host
		03h-06h ??? (not returned by TelAPI)
Note:	this description is derived from the Novell TelAPI emulation of NASI