INT 14 - VIDEO FOSSIL(Fido/Opus/Seadog Standard Interface Layer)  A standardized API for performing serial I/O, originally used by the Fido and Opus bulletin- board software and Seadog bulletin-board mailer, but now in wider use. - RETURN VFOSSIL INFORMATION
	AX = 8100h
	ES:DI -> buffer for VFOSSIL information (see #00368)
Return: AX = 1954h if installed
SeeAlso: AH=7Eh,AX=8101h

Format of VFOSSIL information:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 00368)
 00h	WORD	size of information in bytes, including this field
 02h	WORD	VFOSSIL major version
 04h	WORD	VFOSSIL revision level
 06h	WORD	highest VFOSSIL application function supported