The LazyBoy Library Manual - Number conversions

Basic number to string conversions that are mostly for internal usage by macros like Write/WriteLn.

NOTE: All macros that are part of NUMB do not require DS to be the program Data Segment. These macros general low level conversion macros. These macros can be used before library initialization and do not require DS to equal CS.

ByteToHexConvert byte to a hexadecimal string.
WordToHexConvert word to a Hexadecimal string.
DWordToHexConvert dword or word pair to a hexadecimal string.
QWordToHexConvert qword from memory to a hexadecimal string.
TWordToHexConvert tword from memory to a hexadecimal string.
OWordToHexConvert oword from memory to a hexadecimal string.
YWordToHexConvert yword from memory to a hexadecimal string.
ZWordToHexConvert zword from memory to a hexadecimal string.
ByteToUIntConvert unsigned byte to a string.
WordToUIntConvert unsigned word to a string.
DWordToUIntConvert unsigned dword or word pair to a string.
QWordToUIntConvert unsigned qword from memory to a string.
TWordToUIntConvert unsigned tword from memory to a string.
OWordToUIntConvert unsigned oword from memory to a string.
YWordToUIntConvert unsigned yword from memory to a string.
ZWordToUIntConvert unsigned zword from memory to a string.
ByteToSIntConvert signed byte to a string.
WordToSIntConvert signed word to a string.
DWordToSIntConvert signed dword or word pair to a string.
QWordToSIntConvert signed qword from memory to a string.
TWordToSIntConvert signed tword from memory to a string.
OWordToSIntConvert signed oword from memory to a string.
YWordToSIntConvert signed yword from memory to a string.
ZWordToSIntConvert signed zword from memory to a string.
ByteToBinConvert byte to a binary string.
WordToBinConvert word to a binary string.
DWordToBinConvert dword or word pair to a binary string.
QWordToBinConvert qword from memory to a binary string.
TWordToBinConvert tword from memory to a binary string.
OWordToBinConvert oword from memory to a binary string.
YWordToBinConvert yword from memory to a binary string.
ZWordToBinConvert zword from memory to a binary string.