INT 10 - Tinytalk Personal v1.09f+ - GET CONFIGURATION INFO                     
	AX = 3800h
Return: ES:DI -> configuration info (see #00066)
Program: Tinytalk is a shareware screen reader by OMS Development/Eric Bohlman
Notes:	this call is also used as the installation check by verifying that the
	  returned ES:DI points at valid configuration info
	Tinytalk v1.09f ignores AL and always returns the configuration info;
	  v1.10 adds several subfunctions selected with AL
SeeAlso: AX=3801h,AX=3803h,AX=3806h,AH=39h,INT 14/AX=F0F1h
SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=FB00h"AutoBraille"
Index:	installation check;Tinytalk Personal

Format of Tinytalk Personal configuration info:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 00066)
 00h  8 BYTEs	signature "TTCONFIG"
 08h	WORD	size of configuration data, not counting signature, this WORD,
		  or the following byte
 0Ah	BYTE	???
 0Bh	???	configuration data