INT 1D - SYSTEM DATA - VIDEO PARAMETER TABLES                                   
Notes:	the default parameter table (see #01263) is located at F000h:F0A4h for
	  100% compatible BIOSes
	Under PhysTechSoft's PTS ROM-DOS this table is fictitious.
SeeAlso: INT 10/AH=00h

Format of video parameters:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 01263)
 00h 16 BYTEs	6845 register values for modes 00h and 01h
 10h 16 BYTEs	6845 register values for modes 02h and 03h
 20h 16 BYTEs	6845 register values for modes 04h and 05h
 30h 16 BYTEs	6845 register values for modes 06h and 07h
 40h	WORD	bytes in video buffer for modes 00h and 01h (0800h)
 42h	WORD	bytes in video buffer for modes 02h and 03h (1000h)
 44h	WORD	bytes in video buffer for modes 04h and 05h (4000h)
 46h	WORD	bytes in video buffer for mode 06h (4000h)
 48h  8 BYTEs	columns on screen for each of modes 00h through 07h
 50h  8 BYTEs	CRT controller mode bytes for each of modes 00h through 07h
Note:	QEMM v7.5 Stealth appears to copy only the first 40h bytes of this
	  table into always-accessible memory