INT 1A - PCMCIA Socket Services v1.00 - WRITE MULTIPLE                          
	AH = 94h
	AL = adapter number
	BL = socket number (01h to maximum supported by adapter)
	BH = attributes (see #00687)
	CX = number of bytes or words to read
	DX:DI = card address
	DS:SI -> buffer containing data
	BP = Card Technology type (0000h = RAM(Random Access Memory)	See also DRAM, SRAM.)
Return: CF clear if successful
	    AH destroyed
	CF set on error
	    AH = error code (01h,07h,0Bh,0Ch,12h,14h) (see #00656)
Notes:	this function is only available on I/O-mapped sockets
	Socket Services calls the Card Technology callback (see #00661) for
	  any card technology it does not directly support
SeeAlso: AH=82h"PCMCIA",AH=92h,AH=93h,INT 21/AX=440Dh"DOS 3.2+"