INT 15 - Olivetti Quaderno - READ LCD(Liquid Crystal Display)
	AX = 44C6h
Return: DX = FFFFh clock is displayed on LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) display
	DX = other: hex number displayed in first four positions of display
	BH = left alphanumeric character on display (see #00466)
	BL = right alphanumeric character on display (see #00466)
	CL = colon flags (see #00467)
Notes:	the LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) display has the format HH:HH:AA, where H is a hex digit and A
	  is an alphanumeric character
	this function is also supported by XBIOS.COM
SeeAlso: AX=44C7h,AX=44C9h

(Table 00466)
Values for Olivetti Quaderno LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) alphanumeric characters:
 00h-0Fh hex digit
 2Bh	"+"
 2Dh	"-"
 30h-39h "0" to "9"
 41h-5Ah "A" to "Z"
 61h-6Ah "a" to "z"
 else	blank

Bitfields for Olivetti Quaderno LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) colon flags:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 00467)
 0	left colon on
 1	right colon on
 2-7	unused