INT 16 - Compaq 386 and newer - SET CPU(Central Processing Unit) The microprocessor which executes programs on your computer. SPEED
	AH = F0h
	AL = speed code (see #00614)
	if AL=09h,
	    CX = speed value, 1 (slowest) to 50 (full), 3 ~= 8088
Note:	also supported by some versions of AMIAmerican Megatrends, Inc.(American Megatrends, Inc.) A hardware, software and firmware company founded in 1985. BIOS(Basic Input/Output System) A set of standardized calls giving low-level access to the hardware.  The BIOS is the lowest software layer above the actual hardware and serves to insulate programs (and operating systems) which use it from the details of accessing the hardware directly. dated June 1992 or later;
	  speed codes 0 or 1 are used for Low Speed, 2 for High Speed
SeeAlso: AH=F1h,AH=F3h

(Table 00614)
Values for speed code:
 00h	equivalent to 6 MHz 80286 (COMMON)
 01h	equivalent to 8 MHz 80286 (FAST)
 02h	full 16 MHz (HIGH)
 03h	toggles between 8 MHz-equivalent and speed set by system board switch
	  (AUTO or HIGH)
 08h	full 16 MHz except 8 MHz-equivalent during floppy disk access
 09h	specify speed directly