INT 2F U - SpaceManager - INSTALLATION VERIFICATION                             
	AX = C300h
	BX = 4F53h ('OS')
	CX = 4F48h ('OH')
	DX = program identifier (see #03035) or 0666h for any SpaceManager prog
Return: AL = FFh if BX/CX as specified and specified program installed
	    BX = 6F73h ('os')
	    CX = 6F68h ('oh')
Range:	AH=C3h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning for first free multiplex number
Note:	this call is chained if BX,CX, or DX are not as specified above
SeeAlso: AX=C300h/DX=0000h

(Table 03035)
Values for SpaceManager program identifier:
 9000h	SMOUNT (SuperMount)
 9001h	SELECTC (SelectCompress)
 9002h	SUPERX (SuperExchange)
 9003h	FORTUNE (FortuneTeller)