INT 60 - MDEBUG - SET STATUS                                                    
	AH = 02h
	DS:SI -> password or a null byte
	ES = new value for the register SE
	DI = new value for the register OF
	CH = new monitor color if nonzero
	CL = new interpreter color if nonzero
	BH = new monitor start line if nonzero
	BL = new interpreter start line if nonzero
	AL = new ASCII code for the hotkey ('A'..'Z', 'a'..'z') if nonzero
	DL = new status of the special keys (SHIFT, ALT, CTRL) for the hotkey
	      if nonzero
	DH = if nonzero, new basic process number for communication with the
	      drivers (DH = multiplex number for the display driver,
	      DH+1 = multiplex number for the command driver or drivers)
Return: AX = return code
	    FFFFh call not allowed
	    FFFEh password is invalid
	    FFFDh display mode is invalid
	    0000h successful, status changed
	    else AL = error reasons (see #03307)
Note:	the values of the registers SE and OF are always changed, the other
	  values are only changed if they are valid
SeeAlso: AH=00h"MDEBUG"
Index:	hotkeys;MDEBUG

Bitfields for MDEBUG error reasons:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 03307)
 0	invalid monitor start line
 1	invalid interpreter start line
 2	invalid hotkey
 3	invalid process number
 4-7	reserved

INT 60 - SYS_PROF.EXE - TURN PROFILING ON                                       
	AH = 02h
Note:	SYS_PROF.EXE is the TSR(Terminate and Stay Resident) A program which remains in memory after terminating in order to provide services to other programs or the user.  The name comes from the name of the DOS function call used to remain in memory after termination. portion of a profiler from Micro Cornucopia
	  Issue 47
SeeAlso: AH=00h"SYS_PROF",AH=01h"SYS_PROF"