INT 7D - SCSILink - POLL REQUEST                                                
	AH = 09h
	AL = target ID
Return: AL = status
	    FEh resident driver experienced SCSI(Small Computer Systems Interface) A system-independent expansion bus typically used to connect hard disks, tape drives, and CD-ROMs to a computer.	A host adapter connects the SCSI bus to the computer's own bus.  See also ESDI, IDE. error
	    FFh resident driver handleded event
Desc:	give any drivers chained onto INT 7D a chance to handle an exception
	  not specifically handled by the calling program
Notes:	this service exists so that resident disk servers, etc. can continue
	  running even while debuggers and profilers are active
	the resident driver assumes that a connection has been established and
	  attempts to leave the target connected