INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - CONVERT LINEAR TO PHYSICAL ADDRESS       
	AX = 2509h
	EBX = linear address to convert
Return: CF clear if successful
	    ECX = physical address (carry flag clear)
	CF set if linear address not mapped in page tables
SeeAlso: AX=2508h

INT 21 P - FlashTek X-32VM - GET SYSTEM SEGMENTS AND SELECTORS                  
	AX = 2509h
Return: CF clear
	EAX high word = default DS
	AX = alias for 16-bit data segment
	BX = real mode code segment
	EDX high word = selector covering full 4GB address space
	DX = default SS
	ESI high word = PSPsee Program Segment Prefix selector
	SI = environment selector