RBIL61 - DOS Extenders
INT 10 - DJ GO32.EXE 80386+ DOS extender - VIDEO EXTENSIONS (AH=FFh)
INT 15 - Rational Systems DOS/16M - ??? (AX=BF00h)
INT 15 - Rational Systems DOS/16M - ??? (AX=BF01h)
INT 15 - Rational Systems DOS/16M - INSTALLATION CHECK (AX=BF02h/DX=0000h)
INT 15 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - UNINSTALL??? (AX=BF03h)
INT 15 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - ??? (AX=BF04h)
INT 15 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - ??? (AX=BF06h)
INT 15 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - INSTALLATION CHECK (AX=BFDCh/DX=0000h/SI=0000h)
INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - SET ??? (AX=BFDEh/BX=0002h)
INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - GET ??? (AX=BFDEh/BX=0003h)
INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - ??? (AX=BFDEh/BX=0004h)
INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - ??? (AX=BFDEh/BX=0005h)
INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - GET ??? (AX=BFDEh/BX=0006h)
INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - SET ??? (AX=BFDEh/BX=0007h)
INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - ??? (AX=BFDEh/BX=0008h)
INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - DECREMENT ??? (AX=BFDEh/BX=000Ah)
INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - INCREMENT ??? (AX=BFDEh/BX=000Bh)
INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - ??? (AX=BFDEh/BX=000Ch)
INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - ??? (AX=BFDEh/BX=000Dh)
INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - ??? (AX=BFDEh/BX=000Eh)
INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - ??? (AX=BFDEh/BX=000Fh)
INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - GET TASK HANDLE (AX=BFDEh/BX=0010h)
INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - GET ??? (AX=BFDEh/BX=0011h)
INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - GET ??? (AX=BFDEh/BX=0012h)
INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - GET ??? (AX=BFDEh/BX=0013h)
INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - LOCK ??? MAILBOX (AX=BFDEh/BX=0014h)
INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - UNLOCK ??? MAILBOX (AX=BFDEh/BX=0015h)
INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - GET ??? MAILBOX OWNER (AX=BFDEh/BX=0017h)
INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - GET ??? (AX=BFDEh/BX=FFFDh)
INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - SET ??? (AX=BFDEh/BX=FFFEh)
INT 15 - DESQview/X 1.02+ - DVDOS4GX.DVR - NOP (AX=BFDEh/BX=FFFFh)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - RESET DOS EXTENDER DATA STRUCTURES {protected mode} (AX=2501h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - GET PROTECTED-MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR {protected mode} (AX=2502h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - GET REAL-MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR {protected mode} (AX=2503h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - SET PROTECTED-MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR {protected mode} (AX=2504h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - SET REAL-MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR {protected mode} (AX=2505h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - SET INT TO ALWAYS GAIN CNTRL IN PR. MODE {protected mode} (AX=2506h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - SET REAL- & PROTECTED-MODE INT VECTORS {protected mode} (AX=2507h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - GET SEGMENT LINEAR BASE ADDRESS {protected mode} (AX=2508h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - CONVERT LINEAR TO PHYSICAL ADDRESS {protected mode} (AX=2509h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - MAP PHYSICAL MEMORY ATIBM PC AT END OF SEGMENT {protected mode} (AX=250Ah)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - GET HARDWARE INTERRUPT VECTORS {protected mode} (AX=250Ch)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - GET REAL-MODE LINK INFORMATION {protected mode} (AX=250Dh)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - CALL REAL-MODE PROCEDURE {protected mode} (AX=250Eh)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - CONVERT PROTECTED-MODE ADDRESS TO MS-DOS {protected mode} (AX=250Fh)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - CALL REAL-MODE PROCEDURE, REGISTERS {protected mode} (AX=2510h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - ISSUE REAL-MODE INTERRUPT {protected mode} (AX=2511h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - LOAD PROGRAM FOR DEBUGGING {protected mode} (AX=2512h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - ALIAS SEGMENT DESCRIPTOR {protected mode} (AX=2513h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - CHANGE SEGMENT ATTRIBUTES {protected mode} (AX=2514h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - GET SEGMENT ATTRIBUTES {protected mode} (AX=2515h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v2.2+ - FREE ALL MEMORY OWNED BY LDT {protected mode} (AX=2516h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v2.1c+ - GET INFO ON DOS DATA BUFFER {protected mode} (AX=2517h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender 2.1c+ - SPECIFY HANDLER FOR MOVED SEGMENTS {protected mode} (AX=2518h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM - GET ADDITIONAL MEMORY ERROR INFO {protected mode} (AX=2519h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM - LOCK PAGES IN MEMORY {protected mode} (AX=251Ah)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM - UNLOCK PAGES {protected mode} (AX=251Bh)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM v2.1c+ - FREE PHYSICAL MEMORY PAGES {protected mode} (AX=251Ch)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM v2.1c - READ PAGE-TABLE ENTRY {obsolete, protected mode} (AX=251Dh)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM v2.1c - WRITE PAGE-TABLE ENTRY {obsolete, protected mode} (AX=251Eh)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM - EXHANGE TWO PAGE-TABLE ENTRIES {protected mode} (AX=251Fh)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM - GET MEMORY STATISTICS {protected mode} (AX=2520h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM - LIMIT PROGRAM'S EXTENDED MEM USAGE {protected mode} (AX=2521h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Ext VMM v2.2+ - SPECIFY ALTERNATE PAGE-FAULT HANDLR {protected mode} (AX=2522h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Ext VMM v2.2+ - SPECIFY OUT-OF-SWAP-SPACE HANDLER {protected mode} (AX=2523h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Ext VMM v2.2+ - INSTALL PAGE-REPLACEMENT HANDLERS {protected mode} (AX=2524h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM - LIMIT PROGRAM'S CONVENT'L MEM USAGE {protected mode} (AX=2525h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - GET CONFIGURATION INFORMATION {protected mode} (AX=2526h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM - EN/DISABLE STATE SAVE ON INTERRUPTS {protected mode} (AX=2527h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM - READ REGISTERS AFTER CTRL-C INT {protected mode} (AX=2528h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - LOAD FLAT MODEL .EXP or .REX FILE {protected mode} (AX=2529h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM - NEW LOAD PROGRAM FOR DEBUG {protected mode} (AX=252Ah)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - VIRTUAL MEMORY MANAGEMENT - PAGE LOCKING {protected mode} (AX=252Bh)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - CREATE UNMAPPED PAGES {protected mode, partially documented} (AX=252Bh/BH=00h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - CREATE ALLOCATED PAGES {protected mode, partially documented} (AX=252Bh/BH=01h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - CREATE PHYSICAL DEVICE PAGES {protected mode, partially documented} (AX=252Bh/BH=02h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - MAP DATA FILE {protected mode, partially documented} (AX=252Bh/BH=03h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - GET PAGE TYPES {protected mode, partially documented} (AX=252Bh/BH=04h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v4.1 - GET PAGETABLE ENTRY/PAGE TABLE INFO {protected mode} (AX=252Bh/BH=09h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v4.1 - SET PAGETABLE ENTRY/PAGE TABLE INFO {protected mode} (AX=252Bh/BH=0Ah)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v4.1+ - MAP DATA FILE ATIBM PC AT FILE OFFSET {protected mode} (AX=252Bh/BH=0Bh)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Ext VMM v3.0 - ADD UNMAPPED PAGES ATIBM PC AT END OF SEGMENT {protected mode} (AX=252Ch)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM v2.3+ - CLOSE VMM FILE HANDLE {protected mode} (AX=252Dh)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM v2.3+ - GET/SET VMM PARAMETERS {protected mode} (AX=252Eh)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Ext VMM v3.0 - WRITE RECORD TO VMM PAGE LOG FILE {protected mode} (AX=252Fh)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Ext VMM v2.3+ - SET SIZE OF BUFFER FOR DOS CALLS {protected mode} (AX=2530h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM v3.0 - READ/WRITE LDT DESCRIPTOR {protected mode} (AX=2531h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - GET EXCEPTION HANDLER VECTOR {protected mode} (AX=2532h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - SET EXCEPTION HANDLER VECTOR {protected mode} (AX=2533h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v3.0+ - GET INTERRUPT FLAG {protected mode} (AX=2534h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v3.0+ - READ/WRITE SYSTEM REGISTERS {protected mode} (AX=2535h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Ext VMM v3.0+ - MIN/MAX EXTENDED/CONVIBM Convertible MEMORY USAGE {protected mode} (AX=2536h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Ext VMM v3.0 - ALLOCATE DOS MEMORY ABOVE DOS BUFFER {protected mode} (AX=2537h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Ext VMM v3.0 - READ PROTMODE REGS AFTER SFTWARE INT {protected mode} (AX=2538h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Ext VMM v3.0 - GET OFFSET OF .EXP FILE HEADER {protected mode} (AX=2539h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v3.0+ - INSTALL MOD. SEG FAILURE HANDLER {protected mode} (AX=253Ah)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v3.0+ - JUMP TO REAL MODE CODE, NO CONTEXT {protected mode} (AX=253Bh)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender VMM v3.0+ - SHRINK 386|VMM SWAP FILE {protected mode} (AX=253Ch)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v4.0+ - READ/WRITE IDTsee Interrupt Descriptor Table DESCRIPTOR {protected mode} (AX=253Dh)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v6.0+ - ALLOCATE LDT DESCRIPTOR {protected mode, partially documented} (AX=253Fh)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v6.0+ - FORCE ALIAS OF SEGMENT {protected mode, partially documented} (AX=2540h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v6.0+ - FREE DLLsee Dynamic Link Library {protected mode, partially documented} (AX=2544h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v6.0+ - GET/SET PROCEDURE ADDRESS {protected mode, partially documented} (AX=2545h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v6.0+ - GET MODULE HANDLE {protected mode, partially documented} (AX=2546h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - ALLOCATE MS-DOS MEMORY BLOCK {protected mode} (AX=25C0h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - RELEASE MS-DOS MEMORY BLOCK {protected mode} (AX=25C1h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - MODIFY MS-DOS MEMORY BLOCK {protected mode} (AX=25C2h)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - EXECUTE PROGRAM {protected mode} (AX=25C3h)
INT 21 - AI Architects - ??? - INSTALLATION CHECK (AH=2Bh/CX=4149h/DX=413Fh)
INT 21 - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender, Intel Code Builder - INSTALLATION CHECK (AH=30h)
INT 21 - FlashTek X-32VM - ALLOCATE PROTECTED-MODE SELECTOR {protected mode} (AX=3501h)
INT 21 - FlashTek X-32VM - DEALLOCATE PROTECTED-MODE SELECTOR {protected mode} (AX=3502h)
INT 21 - FlashTek X-32VM - SET SELECTOR BASE ADDRESS {protected mode} (AX=3503h)
INT 21 - FlashTek X-32VM - GET SELECTOR BASE ADDRESS {protected mode} (AX=3504h)
INT 21 - FlashTek X-32VM - SET SELECTOR LIMIT {protected mode} (AX=3505h)
INT 21 - FlashTek X-32VM - PHYSICAL ADDRESS MAPPING {protected mode} (AX=350Ah)
INT 21 - FlashTek X-32VM - UPDATE AND RETURN AVAILABLE FREE MEMORY {protected mode} (AX=350Bh)
INT 21 - FlashTek X-32VM - ALLOCATE A BLOCK OF MEMORY {protected mode} (AX=350Ch)
INT 21 - FlashTek X-32VM - RESERVE BLOCK OF MEMORY FOR 32-BIT STACK {protected mode} (AX=350Dh)
INT 21 - AI Architects - OS/x86??? - API(Application Program[ming] Interface) The defined set of calls which a program may make to interact with or request services of the operating system or environment under which it is running. Because the inputs and outputs of the calls are well-defined, a program using the API can continue using the identical calls even if the internal organization of the program providing the API changes. {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=4403h)
INT 21 - OS/286, OS/386 - FORCE HEAP COMPACTION (AX=E501h)
INT 21 - OS/286, OS/386 - CREATE CODE SEGMENT (AH=E7h)
INT 21 - OS/286, OS/386 - SEGMENT CREATION (AH=E8h)
INT 21 - OS/286, OS/386 - CHANGE SEGMENTS {protected mode} (AH=E9h)
INT 21 - OS/386 VMM - MAP PAGES (AX=EB05h)
INT 21 - OS/286, OS/386 - BLOCK TRANSFER (AH=ECh)
INT 21 - DJ GO32.EXE 80386+ DOS extender - DOS EXTENSIONS (AH=FFh)
INT 21 - Rational Systems DOS/4G - INSTALLATION CHECK (AX=FF00h/DX=0078h)
INT 21 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - GET VERSION??? {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated., protected mode} (AH=FFh/DH=00h)
INT 21 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - SET ??? {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated., protected mode} (AH=FFh/DH=02h)
INT 21 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - ??? {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated., protected mode} (AH=FFh/DH=05h)
INT 21 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - ??? {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated., protected mode} (AH=FFh/DH=06h)
INT 21 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - ??? {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated., protected mode} (AH=FFh/DH=07h)
INT 21 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - ??? {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated., protected mode} (AH=FFh/DH=08h)
INT 21 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - GET ??? {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated., protected mode} (AH=FFh/DH=09h)
INT 21 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - ??? {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated., protected mode} (AH=FFh/DH=0Ah)
INT 21 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - ??? {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated., protected mode} (AH=FFh/DH=0Bh)
INT 21 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - GET/SET ??? {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated., protected mode} (AH=FFh/DH=0Ch/DL=01h)
INT 21 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - ??? {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated., protected mode} (AH=FFh/DH=0Dh)
INT 21 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - ??? {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated., protected mode} (AH=FFh/DH=0Eh)
INT 21 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - ??? {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated., protected mode} (AH=FFh/DH=0Fh)
INT 21 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - ??? {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated., protected mode} (AH=FFh/DH=10h)
INT 21 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - NOP {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated., protected mode} (AH=FFh/DH=11h)
INT 21 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - EXCHANGE ??? POINTERS {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated., protected mode} (AH=FFh/DH=12h)
INT 21 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - ??? {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated., protected mode} (AH=FFh/DH=13h)
INT 21 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - ??? {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated., protected mode} (AH=FFh/DH=14h)
INT 21 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - GET ??? FUNCTIONS {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated., protected mode} (AH=FFh/DH=15h)
INT 21 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - GET ??? {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated., protected mode} (AH=FFh/DH=16h)
INT 21 - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - ??? {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated., protected mode} (AH=FFh/DH=17h)
INT 2F - Rational Systems DOS/4GW - ??? {callout or callback} (AX=1607h/BX=22C0h)
INT 2F - DOS Protected-Mode InterfaceAn API which provides basic services for protected-mode programs to allocate memory, invoke real-mode software, etc. See also Virtual Control Program Interface. - DETECT MODE (AX=1686h)
INT 2F - DOS Protected-Mode InterfaceAn API which provides basic services for protected-mode programs to allocate memory, invoke real-mode software, etc. See also Virtual Control Program Interface. - INSTALLATION CHECK (AX=1687h)
INT 2F - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - GET VENDOR-SPECIFIC API(Application Program[ming] Interface) The defined set of calls which a program may make to interact with or request services of the operating system or environment under which it is running. Because the inputs and outputs of the calls are well-defined, a program using the API can continue using the identical calls even if the internal organization of the program providing the API changes. ENTRY POINT (AX=168Ah)
INT 2F - PharLap 286|DOS-Extender Lite v2.5 - ??? (AX=4040h)
INT 2F - DOS Protected ModeOne of the operating modes of the 80286 and higher Intel processors, in which addresses used by programs no longer correspond to physical addresses and the CPU enforces various protection mechanisms designed to prevent one program from disrupting other programs or the operating system. See also Real Mode, Virtual-86 Mode. Services (DPMSsee DOS Protected-Mode Services) v1.0 - INSTALLATION CHECK (AX=43E0h/BX=0000h/CX=4450h/DX=4D53h)
INT 2F - DOS ExtenderA program which allows a program to run in protected mode while still retaining access to real-mode MSDOS services. See also Protected Mode. support??? {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AH=44h/AL=0Bh)
INT 2F - Windows/286 DOS ExtenderA program which allows a program to run in protected mode while still retaining access to real-mode MSDOS services. See also Protected Mode. {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AH=46h)
INT 2F - Ergo DOS extenders - INSTALLATION CHECK (AH=A1h/BX=0081h)
INT 2F - Quarterdeck RPCI - DVDOS4GX.DVR - ??? {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=D201h/BX=4D45h/CX=5155h/DX=5044h)
INT 2F - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v4.1 - GET EXTENDER ENTRY POINT {real mode} (AX=ED03h)
INT 2F - Pharlap DOS ExtenderA program which allows a program to run in protected mode while still retaining access to real-mode MSDOS services. See also Protected Mode. - ??? (AX=ED10h/BL=05h)
INT 2F - Pharlap DOS ExtenderA program which allows a program to run in protected mode while still retaining access to real-mode MSDOS services. See also Protected Mode. - FATAL EXIT TO REAL MODE ??? (AX=ED11h/BL=05h)
INT 2F - Phar Lap 286|DOS ExtenderA program which allows a program to run in protected mode while still retaining access to real-mode MSDOS services. See also Protected Mode. Lite v2.5 - ??? (AX=ED80h/SI=5048h/DI=4152h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ DPMILOAD.EXE - INSTALLATION CHECK??? {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0001h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 2.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - ALLOCATE MEMORY {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0002h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ DPMILOAD.EXE - GET AVAILABLE MEMORY {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0003h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ DPMILOAD.EXE - LOAD PROTECTED-MODE EXECUTABLE??? {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0004h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ DPMILOAD.EXE - GET ADDRESS OF ??? BY NAME {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0005h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ DPMILOAD.EXE - GET ADDRESS OF ??? BY NUMBER {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0006h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 2.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - ??? {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0007h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 2.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - FREE MEMORY BLOCK {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0008h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - RESIZE MEMORY BLOCK {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0009h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - INIT DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface HOST AND SPAWN SUBSHELL {real mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=000Ah/CX=0001h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - UNUSED {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=000Bh)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - FREE DESCRIPTORS FOR MEMORY BLOCK??? {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=000Ch)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - SIMULATE REAL MODE INTERRUPT {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=000Dh)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - GET ADDRESS OF ??? {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=000Eh)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - REALLOCATE LDT DESCRPS TO MEMBLK??? {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=000Fh)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - CONVERT SEGMENT TO SELECTOR {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0010h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - ??? {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0011h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - ??? {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0012h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - ??? {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0013h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - INSTALLATION CHECK {real mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0014h/CX=0001h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - UNINSTALL {real mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0015h/CX=0001h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - GET ??? {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0016h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - ??? {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0017h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - SET ??? {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0018h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - ??? {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0019h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - ??? {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=001Ah)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - ??? {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=001Bh)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - ??? {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=001Ch)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - GET ??? {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=001Dh)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - ??? {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=001Eh)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - GET ADDRESS OF ??? {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=001Fh)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - NULL FUNCTION??? {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0020h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - GET PROCESSOR EXCEPTION HANDLER VECT {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0021h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - SET PROCESSOR EXCEPTION HANDLER VECT {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0022h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - CONVERT SELECTOR TO SEGMENT NUMBER {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0023h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - GET PROTECTED-MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0024h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - SET PROTECTED-MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0025h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - ??? {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0026h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - GET ??? {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0027h)
INT 2F - ??? - CALLED BY Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0080h)
INT 2F - ??? - CALLED BY Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=0081h)
INT 2F - Borland RTM.EXE 1.0 - INSTALLATION CHECK??? {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=1001h)
INT 2F - Borland RTM.EXE 1.0 - EXECUTE COMPILED PROGRAM {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=1002h/DX=0014h)
INT 2F - Borland RTM.EXE 1.0 - ??? {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB42h/BX=1003h)
INT 2F - Borland C++ 3.0 DPMILOAD.EXE - NULL FUNCTION {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FB43h)
INT 2F - TKERNEL (Borland DOS extender) - INSTALLATION CHECK {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FBA1h/BX=0081h)
INT 2F - TKERNEL (Borland DOS extender) - GET ENTRY POINT {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FBA1h/BX=0082h)
INT 2F - TKERNEL (Borland DOS extender) - UNINSTALL {undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=FBA1h/BX=0084h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - ALLOCATE LDT DESCRIPTORS {protected mode} (AX=0000h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - FREE LDT DESCRIPTOR {protected mode} (AX=0001h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - SEGMENT TO DESCRIPTOR {protected mode} (AX=0002h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - GET NEXT SELECTOR INCREMENT VALUE {protected mode} (AX=0003h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - LOCK SELECTOR {protected mode} (AX=0004h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - UNLOCK SELECTOR {protected mode} (AX=0005h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - GET SEGMENT BASE ADDRESS {protected mode} (AX=0006h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - SET SEGMENT BASE ADDRESS {protected mode} (AX=0007h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - SET SEGMENT LIMIT {protected mode} (AX=0008h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - SET DESCRIPTOR ACCESS RIGHTS {protected mode} (AX=0009h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - CREATE ALIAS DESCRIPTOR {protected mode} (AX=000Ah)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - GET DESCRIPTOR {protected mode} (AX=000Bh)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - SET DESCRIPTOR {protected mode} (AX=000Ch)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - ALLOCATE SPECIFIC LDT DESCRIPTOR {protected mode} (AX=000Dh)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 1.0+ - GET MULTIPLE DESCRIPTORS {protected mode} (AX=000Eh)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 1.0+ - SET MULTIPLE DESCRIPTORS {protected mode} (AX=000Fh)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - ALLOCATE DOS MEMORY BLOCK {protected mode} (AX=0100h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - FREE DOS MEMORY BLOCK {protected mode} (AX=0101h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - RESIZE DOS MEMORY BLOCK {protected mode} (AX=0102h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - GET REAL MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR {protected mode} (AX=0200h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - SET REAL MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR {protected mode} (AX=0201h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - GET PROCESSOR EXCEPTION HANDLER VECTOR {protected mode} (AX=0202h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - SET PROCESSOR EXCEPTION HANDLER VECTOR {protected mode} (AX=0203h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - GET PROTECTED MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR {protected mode} (AX=0204h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - SET PROTECTED MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR {protected mode} (AX=0205h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 1.0+ - GET PROTECTED MODE EXTENDED PROCESSOR EXCEPTION HANDLER {protected mode} (AX=0210h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 1.0+ - GET REAL MODE EXTENDED PROCESSOR EXCEPTION HANDLER {protected mode} (AX=0211h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 1.0+ - SET PROTECTED MODE EXTENDED PROCESSOR EXCEPTION HANDLER {protected mode} (AX=0212h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 1.0+ - SET REAL MODE EXTENDED PROCESSOR EXCEPTION HANDLER {protected mode} (AX=0213h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - SIMULATE REAL MODE INTERRUPT {protected mode} (AX=0300h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - CALL REAL MODE PROCEDURE WITH FAR RETURN FRAME {protected mode} (AX=0301h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - CALL REAL MODE PROCEDURE WITH IRET FRAME {protected mode} (AX=0302h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - ALLOCATE REAL MODE CALLBACK ADDRESS {protected mode} (AX=0303h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - FREE REAL MODE CALLBACK ADDRESS {protected mode} (AX=0304h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - GET STATE SAVE/RESTORE ADDRESSES {protected mode} (AX=0305h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - GET RAW MODE SWITCH ADDRESSES {protected mode} (AX=0306h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - GET DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface VERSION {protected mode} (AX=0400h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 1.0+ - GET DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface CAPABILITIES {protected mode} (AX=0401h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - GET FREE MEMORY INFORMATION {protected mode} (AX=0500h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - ALLOCATE MEMORY BLOCK {protected mode} (AX=0501h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - FREE MEMORY BLOCK {protected mode} (AX=0502h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - RESIZE MEMORY BLOCK {protected mode} (AX=0503h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 1.0+ - ALLOCATE LINEAR MEMORY BLOCK {protected mode} (AX=0504h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 1.0+ - RESIZE LINEAR MEMORY BLOCK {protected mode} (AX=0505h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 1.0+ - GET PAGE ATTRIBUTES {protected mode} (AX=0506h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 1.0+ - MODIFY PAGE ATTRIBUTES {protected mode} (AX=0507h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 1.0+ - MAP DEVICE IN MEMORY BLOCK {protected mode} (AX=0508h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 1.0+ - MAP CONVENTIONAL MEMORY IN MEMORY BLOCK {protected mode} (AX=0509h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 1.0+ - GET MEMORY BLOCK SIZE AND BASE {protected mode} (AX=050Ah)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 1.0+ - GET MEMORY INFORMATION {protected mode} (AX=050Bh)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - LOCK LINEAR REGION {protected mode} (AX=0600h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - UNLOCK LINEAR REGION {protected mode} (AX=0601h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - MARK REAL MODE REGION AS PAGEABLE {protected mode} (AX=0602h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - RELOCK REAL MODE REGION {protected mode} (AX=0603h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - GET PAGE SIZE {protected mode} (AX=0604h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - MARK PAGES AS PAGING CANDIDATES {protected mode, partially documented} (AX=0700h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - DISCARD PAGES {protected mode, partially documented} (AX=0701h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - MARK PAGE AS DEMAND PAGING CANDIDATE {protected mode} (AX=0702h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - DISCARD PAGE CONTENTS {protected mode} (AX=0703h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - PHYSICAL ADDRESS MAPPING {protected mode} (AX=0800h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 1.0+ - FREE PHYSICAL ADDRESS MAPPING {protected mode} (AX=0801h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - GET AND DISABLE VIRTUAL INTERRUPT STATE {protected mode} (AX=0900h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - GET AND ENABLE VIRTUAL INTERRUPT STATE {protected mode} (AX=0901h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - GET VIRTUAL INTERRUPT STATE {protected mode} (AX=0902h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - GET VENDOR SPECIFIC API(Application Program[ming] Interface) The defined set of calls which a program may make to interact with or request services of the operating system or environment under which it is running. Because the inputs and outputs of the calls are well-defined, a program using the API can continue using the identical calls even if the internal organization of the program providing the API changes. ENTRY POINT {protected mode} (AX=0A00h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - SET DEBUG WATCHPOINT {protected mode} (AX=0B00h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - CLEAR DEBUG WATCHPOINT {protected mode} (AX=0B01h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - GET STATE OF DEBUG WATCHPOINT {protected mode} (AX=0B02h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 0.9+ - RESET DEBUG WATCHPOINT {protected mode} (AX=0B03h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 1.0+ - INSTALL RESIDENT HANDLER INIT CALLBACK {protected mode} (AX=0C00h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 1.0+ - TERMINATE AND STAY RESIDENT {protected mode} (AX=0C01h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 1.0+ - ALLOCATE SHARED MEMORY {protected mode} (AX=0D00h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 1.0+ - FREE SHARED MEMORY {protected mode} (AX=0D01h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 1.0+ - SERIALIZE SHARED MEMORY {protected mode} (AX=0D02h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 1.0+ - FREE SERIALIZATION ON SHARED MEMORY {protected mode} (AX=0D03h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 1.0+ - GET COPROCESSOR STATUS {protected mode} (AX=0E00h)
INT 31 - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 1.0+ - SET EMULATION {protected mode} (AX=0E01h)
INT 31 - Netroom3 DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface.EXE v3.00 - ??? (AH=57h/AL=02h)
INT 31 - Netroom3 DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface.EXE v3.00 - SWITCH TO PROTECTED MODE (AX=5702h)
INT 31 - DOS32 v3.2+ - LOAD LIBRARY FILE (AX=EE11h)
INT 31 - DOS32 v3.0+ - UNDO PREVIOUS MEMORY ALLOCATION or DMAsee Direct Memory Access BUFFER (AX=EE40h)
INT 31 - DOS32 v3.0+ - ALLOCATE 16KB DMAsee Direct Memory Access BLOCK (AX=EE41h)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "Info" - GET SYSTEM SELECTORS/FLAGS {protected mode} (AX=FF00h)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "IntXX" - SIMULATE REAL-MODE INTERRUPT {protected mode} (AX=FF01h)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "FarCallReal" - SIMULATE REAL-MODE FAR CALL {protected mode} (AX=FF02h)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "GetSel" - ALLOCATE NEW SELECTOR {protected mode} (AX=FF03h)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "RelSel" - RELEASE A SELECTOR {protected mode} (AX=FF04h)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "CodeSel" - CONVERT SELECTOR TO EXECUTABLE CODE SELECTOR {protected mode} (AX=FF05h)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "AliasSel" - CREATE READ/WRITE DATA ALIAS SELECTOR {protected mode} (AX=FF06h)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "GetSelDet" - GET SELECTOR BASE AND LIMIT {protected mode} (AX=FF07h)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "GetSelDet32" - GET SELECTOR BASE AND LIMIT (32-bit) {protected mode} (AX=FF08h)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "SetSelDet" - SET SELECTOR BASE AND LIMIT {protected mode} (AX=FF09h)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "SetSelDet32" - SET SELECTOR BASE AND LIMIT (32-bit) {protected mode} (AX=FF0Ah)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "GetMem" - ALLOCATE BLOCK OF MEMORY {protected mode} (AX=FF0Bh)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "GetMem32" - ALLOCATE BLOCK OF MEMORY (32-bit) {protected mode} (AX=FF0Ch)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "ResMem" - RESIZE MEMORY BLOCK {protected mode} (AX=FF0Dh)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "ResMem32" - RESIZE MEMORY BLOCK (32-bit) {protected mode} (AX=FF0Eh)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "RelMem" - RELEASE PREVIOUSLY ALLOCATED MEMORY {protected mode} (AX=FF0Fh)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "GetMemLinear" - ALLOCATE MEMORY WITHOUT SELECTOR {protected mode} (AX=FF10h)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "GetMemLinear32" - ALLOCATE MEMORY WITHOUT SELECTOR {protected mode} (AX=FF11h)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "ResMemLinear" - RESIZE LINEAR MEMORY BLOCK {protected mode} (AX=FF12h)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "ResMemLinear32" - RESIZE LINEAR MEMORY BLOCK (32-bit) {protected mode} (AX=FF13h)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "RelMemLinear" - RELEASE LINEAR MEMORY BLOCK {protected mode} (AX=FF14h)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "RelMemLinear32" - RELEASE LINEAR MEMORY BLOCK (32-bit) {protected mode} (AX=FF15h)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "GetMemNear" - ALLOCATE APPLICATION-RELATIVE MEMORY {protected mode} (AX=FF16h)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "ResMemNear" - RESIZE APPLICATION-RELATIVE MEMORY BLOCK {protected mode} (AX=FF17h)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "RelMemNear" - RELEASE APPLICATION-RELATIVE MEMORY BLOCK {protected mode} (AX=FF18h)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "Linear2Near" - CONVERT LINEAR TO APP-RELATIVE ADDRESS {protected mode} (AX=FF19h)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "Near2Linear" - CONVERT APP-RELATIVE TO LINEAR ADDRESS {protected mode} (AX=FF1Ah)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "LockMem" - LOCK REGION OF MEMORY {protected mode} (AX=FF1Bh)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "LockMem32" - LOCK REGION OF MEMORY (32-bit) {protected mode} (AX=FF1Ch)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "UnLockMem" - UNLOCK REGION OF MEMORY {protected mode} (AX=FF1Dh)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "UnLockMem32" - UNLOCK REGION OF MEMORY (32-bit) {protected mode} (AX=FF1Eh)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "LockMemNear" - LOCK APPLICATION-RELATIVE MEMORY REGION {protected mode} (AX=FF1Fh)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "UnLockMemNear" - UNLOCK APP-RELATIVE MEMORY REGION {protected mode} (AX=FF20h)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "GetMemDOS" - ALLOCATE CONVENTIONAL MEMORY {protected mode} (AX=FF21h)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "ResMemDOS" - RESIZE CONVENTIONAL MEMORY BLOCK {protected mode} (AX=FF22h)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "RelMemDOS" - RELEASE CONVENTIONAL MEMORY BLOCK {protected mode} (AX=FF23h)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "ExecOverlay" - LOAD AND OPTIONALLY EXECUTE APP CODE {protected mode} (AX=FF24h)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "GetDOSTrans" - GET DOS TRANSFER BUFFER {protected mode} (AX=FF25h)
INT 31 - CauseWay - "SetDOSTrans" - SET DOS TRANSFER BUFFER {protected mode} (AX=FF26h)
INT 31 - CauseWay v1.3 - "GetMCBSize" - GET CURRENT MCBsee Memory Control Block ALLOCATION BLOCK SIZE {protected mode} (AX=FF27h)
INT 31 - CauseWay v1.3 - "SetMCBSize" - SET MCBsee Memory Control Block MEMORY ALLOCATION BLOCK SIZE {protected mode} (AX=FF28h)
INT 31 - CauseWay v1.3 - "GetSels" - ALLOCATE MULTIPLE SELECTORS {protected mode} (AX=FF29h)
INT 31 - CauseWay v1.3 - "cwLoad" - LOAD ANOTHER CAUSEWAY PROGRAM AS OVERLAY {protected mode} (AX=FF2Ah)
INT 31 - CauseWay v1.3 - "cwcInfo" - VALIDATE AND GET SIZE OF CWC FILE {protected mode} (AX=FF2Bh)
INT 31 - CauseWay v1.3 - "GetMemSO" - ALLOCATE MEMORY AND RETURN SEL:OFFSET {protected mode} (AX=FF2Ch)
INT 31 - CauseWay v1.3 - "ResMemSO" - RESIZE SELECTOR:OFFSET MEMORY BLOCK {protected mode} (AX=FF2Dh)
INT 31 - CauseWay v1.3 - "RelMemSO" - RELEASE SELECTOR:OFFSET MEMORY BLOCK {protected mode} (AX=FF2Eh)
INT 31 - Causeway v1.3 - "cwcLoad" - LOAD/EXPAND CWC-COMPRESSED FILE {protected mode} (AX=FFFBh)
INT 67 - Virtual Control Program InterfaceA simple API for protected-mode programs to allocate memory and switch into or out of protected mode. See also DOS Protected-Mode Interface. - INSTALLATION CHECK (AX=DE00h)
INT 67 - Virtual Control Program InterfaceA simple API for protected-mode programs to allocate memory and switch into or out of protected mode. See also DOS Protected-Mode Interface. - GET PROTECTED MODE INTERFACE (AX=DE01h)
INT 67 - Virtual Control Program InterfaceA simple API for protected-mode programs to allocate memory and switch into or out of protected mode. See also DOS Protected-Mode Interface. - GET MAX PHYSICAL MEMORY ADDRESS (AX=DE02h)
INT 67 - Virtual Control Program InterfaceA simple API for protected-mode programs to allocate memory and switch into or out of protected mode. See also DOS Protected-Mode Interface. - GET NUMBER OF FREE 4K PAGES (AX=DE03h)
INT 67 - Virtual Control Program InterfaceA simple API for protected-mode programs to allocate memory and switch into or out of protected mode. See also DOS Protected-Mode Interface. - ALLOCATE A 4K PAGE (AX=DE04h)
INT 67 - Virtual Control Program InterfaceA simple API for protected-mode programs to allocate memory and switch into or out of protected mode. See also DOS Protected-Mode Interface. - FREE 4K PAGE (AX=DE05h)
INT 67 - Virtual Control Program InterfaceA simple API for protected-mode programs to allocate memory and switch into or out of protected mode. See also DOS Protected-Mode Interface. - GET PHYS ADDR OF PAGE IN FIRST MB (AX=DE06h)
INT 67 - Virtual Control Program InterfaceA simple API for protected-mode programs to allocate memory and switch into or out of protected mode. See also DOS Protected-Mode Interface. - READ CR0 (AX=DE07h)
INT 67 - Virtual Control Program InterfaceA simple API for protected-mode programs to allocate memory and switch into or out of protected mode. See also DOS Protected-Mode Interface. - READ DEBUG REGISTERS (AX=DE08h)
INT 67 - Virtual Control Program InterfaceA simple API for protected-mode programs to allocate memory and switch into or out of protected mode. See also DOS Protected-Mode Interface. - SET DEBUG REGISTERS (AX=DE09h)
INT 67 - Virtual Control Program InterfaceA simple API for protected-mode programs to allocate memory and switch into or out of protected mode. See also DOS Protected-Mode Interface. - GET 8259 INTERRUPT VECTOR MAPPINGS (AX=DE0Ah)
INT 67 - Virtual Control Program InterfaceA simple API for protected-mode programs to allocate memory and switch into or out of protected mode. See also DOS Protected-Mode Interface. - SET 8259 INTERRUPT VECTOR MAPPINGS (AX=DE0Bh)
INT 67 - Virtual Control Program InterfaceA simple API for protected-mode programs to allocate memory and switch into or out of protected mode. See also DOS Protected-Mode Interface. - SWITCH TO PROTECTED MODE (AX=DE0Ch)
INT 78 - UofSalford DBOS DOS extender - API(Application Program[ming] Interface) The defined set of calls which a program may make to interact with or request services of the operating system or environment under which it is running. Because the inputs and outputs of the calls are well-defined, a program using the API can continue using the identical calls even if the internal organization of the program providing the API changes.
INT 78 - HugeRealMode Driver - INSTALLATION CHECK (AX=0000h)
INT 78 - HugeRealMode Driver - GET ENTRY POINT (AX=0001h)
INT 80 - Phar Lap 386|DOS-Extender - RELOCATED PRINT-SCREEN