INT 21 P - Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender v4.1 - GET PAGETABLE ENTRY/PAGE TABLE INFO 
	AX = 252Bh
	BH = 09h
	BL = subfunction
	    00h get page table entry by linear address
		ECX = linear address for which to get page table entry
	    01h get page table entry by logical address
		ES:ECX = address for which to get page table entry
Return: CF clear if successful
	    EAX = page table entry
	    EBX = additional page table information
	CF set on error
	    EAX = error code
		0009h invalid address
		0082h running under DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface
SeeAlso: AX=251Dh,AX=252Bh/BH=0Ah