INT 31 P - DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface 1.0+ - ALLOCATE LINEAR MEMORY BLOCK
	AX = 0504h
	EBX = page-aligned linear address of memory block (00000000h if any
	      address is acceptable)
	ECX = size in bytes (nonzero)
	EDX = flags
	    bit 0: set to create committed pages instead of uncommitted pages
	    bits 1-31 reserved (0)
Return: CF clear if successful
	    EBX = linear address of memory block
	    ESI = memory block handle
	CF set on error
	    AX = error code (8001h,8012h-8014h,8016h,8021h,8025h)(see #03143)
Note:	only supported by 32-bit DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface hosts, but may be used by 16-bit clients
SeeAlso: AX=0501h,AX=0505h