INT 21 U - DOS 5+ ROM(Read-Only Memory) A memory for program storage which may not be changed by the program as it runs. - FIND NEXT ROM(Read-Only Memory) A memory for program storage which may not be changed by the program as it runs. PROGRAM
	AH = 6Eh
	Disk Transfer Area contains result of previous FindFirst ROM(Read-Only Memory) A memory for program storage which may not be changed by the program as it runs.
	  (see AH=6Dh)
Return: CF clear if found
	    Disk Transfer Area filled with updated ROM(Read-Only Memory) A memory for program storage which may not be changed by the program as it runs. search structure
	      (see #01771)
	CF set if not found
	    AX = 0012h (no more matches)
	---if not supported (DOS <5, MS-DOS 5+ non-ROM versions)---
	AL = 00h
SeeAlso: AH=4Fh,AH=6Dh