INT 2F U - DOS 4.0+ internal - GET OR SET ERROR TABLE ADDRESSES                 
	AX = 122Eh
	DL = subfunction
	    00h get standard DOS error table (see #02614)
		Return: ES:DI -> error table
				 (DOS 4: errors 00h-12h,50h-5Bh)
				 (DOS 5: errors 00h-26h,4Fh,51h-59h)
	    01h set standard DOS error table
		ES:DI -> error table
	    02h get parameter error table (errors 00h-0Ah)
		Return: ES:DI -> error table
	    03h set parameter error table
		ES:DI -> error table
	    04h get critical/SHARE error table (errors 13h-2Bh)
		Return: ES:DI -> error table
	    05h set critical/SHARE error table
		ES:DI -> error table
	    06h get ??? error table
		Return: ES:DI -> error table or 0000h:0000h
	    07h set ??? error table
		ES:DI -> error table
	    08h get error message retriever (see #02615)
		Return: ES:DI -> FAR procedure to fetch error message
	    09h set ??? error table
		ES:DI -> error table
Notes:	if the returned segment on a "get" is 0001h, then the offset specifies
	  the offset of the error message table within COMMAND.COM, and the
	  procedure returned by DL=08h should be called
	DOS 5+ COMMAND.COM does not allow setting any of the addresses (calls
	  with DL odd are ignored); they are always returned with segment 0001h
	for DOS 5.0, the standard and critical/SHARE error tables are combined
	  into a single error table
SeeAlso: AX=0500h,INT 21/AH=59h/BX=0000h

Format of DOS 4.x error table:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02614)
 00h	BYTE	FFh
 01h  2 BYTEs	04h,00h (DOS version???)
 03h	BYTE	number of error headers following
 04h 2N WORDs	table of all error headers for table
		Offset	Size	Description
		 00h	WORD	error message number
		 02h	WORD	offset of error message from start of header
				error messages are count byte followed by msg
Note:	DOS 5 error tables consist of one word per error number; each word
	  contains either the offset of a counted string or 0000h

(Table 02615)
Call error retrieval function with:
	AX = error number (see #02616)
	DI = offset of error table
Return: ES:DI -> error message (counted string)
Notes:	this function needs to access COMMAND.COM if the messages were not
	  loaded into memory permanently with /MSG; the caller should assume
	  that the returned message will be overwritten by the next call of
	  the function
	supported by DR DOS 5.0

(Table 02616)
Values for parameter errors:
 01h	Too many parameters
 02h	Required Parameter missing
 03h	Invalid switch
 04h	Invalid keyword
 06h	Parameter value not in allowed range
 07h	Parameter value not allowed
 08h	Parameter value not allowed
 09h	Parameter format not correct
 0Ah	Invalid parameter
 0Bh	Invalid parameter combination