INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetOpen"
	AX = E105h
	BX = size of parameter block in words (0007h)
	CX:DX -> parameter block (see #03982)
Return: AX = 0000h Error
	AX = handle
Desc:	this function is used to open a submission channel
SeeAlso: AX=E10Ah,AX=E106h,AX=E108h

Format of Da Vinci eMail "NetOpen" parameter block:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03982)
 00h	WORD	operation (1 = read, 2 = write)
 02h	WORD	segment of uppercase To: username
 04h	WORD	offset of uppercase To: username
 06h	WORD	segment of "DVSEMAIL"
 08h	WORD	offset of "DVSEMAIL"
 0Ah	WORD	segment of node address
 0Ch	WORD	offset of node address