INT 2F - FaxBIOS interface - COMMAND SUBMISSION                                 
	AX = 80FBh
	BX = function number (see #02930)
	DX:DI -> command buffer
		  (see #02932,#02935,#02936,#02937,#02938,#02939,#02944,#02950,#02957)
Return: AL = FFh if submitted OK
	CX = result code (see #02931)
Range:	AH=80h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning multiplex numbers for signature
SeeAlso: AX=8000h"FaxBIOS",AX=CBDDh

(Table 02930)
Values for FaxBIOS function number:
 0001h	SYS_LOGIN
 0004h	STAT_IO_GET
 0006h	PDIR_OPEN
 0007h	PDIR_CLOSE (see #02940)
 0008h	PDIR_READ_PERSON (see #02941)
 0013h	SCHED_OPEN (see #02942)
 0014h	SCHED_ADD_DEST (see #02943)
 0015h	SCHED_ADD_FILE (see #02944)
 0016h	SCHED_SET_PARAMS (see #02945)
 0017h	SCHED_CANCEL (see #02942)
 0018h	SCHED_CLOSE (see #02946)
 0019h	SLOG_OPEN (see #02947)
 001Ah	SLOG_CLOSE (see #02947)
 0020h	RLOG_OPEN (see #02947)
 0021h	RLOG_CLOSE (see #02947)
 0022h	RLOG_READ
 0023h	GRAPH_GET_FILE_TYPE (see #02948)
 0026h	GRAPH_CREATE_FILE (see #02949)
 0027h	GRAPH_CLOSE_FILE (see #02950)
 0028h	GRAPH_CREATE_PAGE (see #02951)
 0029h	GRAPH_WRITE (see #02952)
 002Bh	GRAPH_OPEN_FILE (see #02953)
 002Ch	GRAPH_GOTO_PAGE (see #02954)
 002Dh	GRAPH_READ (see #02955)
 0030h	IOCTL_ANSWER_FAX (see #02956)
 0031h	IOCTL_DIAL (see #02957)

(Table 02931)
Values for FaxBIOS result code:
 0000h	successful
 0001h	not prepared or servicing another client (busy)
 0002h	call failed due to sharing (LOCKED)
 0003h	logged-in client limit reached (FULL)
 0004h	transport denied (TRANSPORT_DENIED)
 0005h	not implemented (NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
 0006h	aborted while in progress (ABORTED)
 0007h	permissions denied (PERMISSION_DENIED)
 0008h	requested data is no longer valid (NO_LONGER_VALID)
 0080h	unspecified system error occurred
 0081h	an internal file was not found
 0082h	an internal file could not be created
 0083h	an internal file could not be opened
 0084h	an internal file could not be closed
 0085h	error occurred writing to an internal file
 0086h	error occurred reading from an internal file
 0087h	bad or corrupted file encountered
 0088h	an access violation occurred
 0089h	an internal file is empty
 008Ah	insufficient memory to process request
 008Bh	FaxBIOS was unable to issue a handle
 008Ch	an error internal to FaxBIOS occurred
 008Dh	no room on disk
 0100h	unspecified error accessing client file
 0101h	file not found
 0102h	creation fault
 0103h	open fault
 0104h	close fault
 0105h	write fault
 0106h	read fault
 0107h	file corrupted
 0108h	access violation
 0109h	empty file
 0200h	unspecified argument error
 0201h	bad function
 0202h	bad option
 0203h	bad structure size
 0204h	bad buffer size
 0205h	bad client ID
 0300h	unspecified error with token
 0301h	cover sheet token was invalid
 0302h	logo token was invalid
 0303h	signature token was invalid
 0304h	font token was invalid
 0305h	phone directory token was invalid
 0306h	outbound route token was invalid
 0307h	priority token was invalid
 0308h	sort token was invalid
 0309h	billing token was invalid
 0400h	unspecified handle error
 0401h	bad Phone Directory handle
 0402h	bad scheduling handle
 0403h	bad read send log handle
 0404h	bad read receive log handle
 0405h	bad graphics handle
 0500h	data passed in structure was invalid
 0501h	name field given is invalid
 0502h	phone number given is invalid
 0503h	poll code submitted is invalid
 0504h	file type constant was invalid
 0505h	BFT constant not defined or supported
 0506h	resolution not defined or supported
 0507h	page length not defined or supported
 0508h	page width not defined or supported
 0509h	date & time requested are ridiculous
 050Ah	Subject text was not an ASCIZA NUL-terminated ASCII string.	The ASCIZ string "ABC" consists of the four bytes 41h, 42h, 43h, and 00h.  Unless otherwise specified, maximum lengths given in the interrupt list do not include the terminating NUL. string
 050Bh	From text was not an ASCIZA NUL-terminated ASCII string.	The ASCIZ string "ABC" consists of the four bytes 41h, 42h, 43h, and 00h.  Unless otherwise specified, maximum lengths given in the interrupt list do not include the terminating NUL. string
 050Ch	requested envelope ID was not found
 050Dh	requested envelope ID is not valid
 050Eh	envelope requested was not found
 050Fh	destination index is out of range
 0510h	file index is out of range
 0511h	index into receive log is out of range
 0512h	file name specified was incomplete or invalid
 0513h	page selected was out of range
 0514h	bit width more than byte width
 0515h	mode for open is not defined
 0516h	person index is out of range
 0517h	person ID is out of range
 0518h	group index out of range or invalid
 0519h	group ID out of range or invalid
 051Ah	range of indices to read is invalid
 051Bh	group name given is invalid
 051Ch	field_to_use is badly specified
 051Dh	predicate invalid for field specified
 0600h	unspecified client procedure error
 0601h	device of interest is not present
 0602h	device of interest has been removed
 0603h	device of interest is not responding
 0604h	device of interest is disabled
 0605h	could not dial because device was in use
 0606h	maximum destination limit exceeded
 0607h	maximum file limit exceeded
 0608h	scheduling closed with no destination
 0609h	scheduling closed with no files or poll
 060Ah	scheduling closed with no parameters specified
 060Bh	file type specified does not match file
 060Ch	file type specified is not supported
 060Dh	file submitted is not exportable
 060Eh	file type specified is not imageable
 060Fh	error converting file
 0610h	envelope could not be cancelled
 0611h	Phone Directory is full
 0612h	record is already in the Phone Directory
 0613h	selected group in Phone Directory is full
 0614h	person is already in the group
 0615h	person is not in the group & cannot be removed
 0616h	a graphics file to be created already exists
 0617h	a graphics file to be read is empty
 0619h	graph read or write attempted without goto or create
 061Ah	graph page contains no data
 061Bh	Phone Directory is already open for this client
 061Ch	schedule log is already open for this client
 061Dh	receive log is aready open for this client
 061Eh	Phone Directory function requires write mode
 0800h	denied exclusive use of the API(Application Program[ming] Interface) The defined set of calls which a program may make to interact with or request services of the operating system or environment under which it is running.  Because the inputs and outputs of the calls are well-defined, a program using the API can continue using the identical calls even if the internal organization of the program providing the API changes.

Format of FaxBIOS SYS_LOGIN command buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02932)
 00h	WORD	structure size
 02h	WORD	function number
 04h	WORD	return code
 06h	WORD	client ID
 08h	WORD	API(Application Program[ming] Interface) The defined set of calls which a program may make to interact with or request services of the operating system or environment under which it is running.  Because the inputs and outputs of the calls are well-defined, a program using the API can continue using the identical calls even if the internal organization of the program providing the API changes. Major Version
 0Ah	WORD	API(Application Program[ming] Interface) The defined set of calls which a program may make to interact with or request services of the operating system or environment under which it is running.  Because the inputs and outputs of the calls are well-defined, a program using the API can continue using the identical calls even if the internal organization of the program providing the API changes. Minor Version
 0Ch	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	reserved for manufacturer's use
 10h 22 BYTEs	manufacturer's ID
 26h	WORD	highest possible device number
 28h	WORD	maximum destinations per envelope
 2Ah	WORD	maximum files per envelope
 2Ch	WORD	FaxBIOS capabilities (see #02933)
 2Eh	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	T.30 capabilities (see #02934)
 32h	WORD	IPC(Inter-Process Communication) Any one of numerous methods for allowing two or more separate processes to exchange data. handle
 34h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	amount of memory needed to load
 38h	WORD	scope (00h for public, nonzero for private)
 3Ah  6 BYTEs	future expansion
 40h	WORD	structure size

Bitfields for FaxBIOS capabilities:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 02933)
 0	transmit supported
 1	receive supported
 2	IOCTL supported
 3	IOCTL_DIAL supported
 4	IOCTL_ANSWER_FAX supported
 5	manual transmit supported
 6	optional phone services supported
 7	canonical phone objects
 8	seam with next supported

Bitfields for T.30 capabilities:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 02934)
 0	low vertical resolution (minimum)
 1	high vertical resolution
 2	page width 107mm (4.21 in)
 3	page width 151mm (5.91 in)
 4	page width 215mm (8.46 in) (minimum)
 5	page width 255mm (10.04 in)
 6	page width 303mm (11.93 in)
 7	unused
 8	page length 297mm (11.69 in) (minimum)
 9	page length 364mm (14.33 in)
 10	page length 279mm (11 in)
 11	page length unlimited
 12	Group 4 resolution 300x300
 13	Group 4 resolution 400x400
 14	able to respond to poll from remote
 15	able to poll remote
 16	binary file transfer supported

Format of FaxBIOS SYS_LOGOUT command buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02935)
 00h	WORD	structure size
 02h	WORD	function number
 04h	WORD	return code
 06h	WORD	client ID
 08h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	client tag (for client's internal use)
 0Ch  6 BYTEs	future expansion
 12h	WORD	structure size

Format of FaxBIOS SYS_GET_FAXAPP_INFO command buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02936)
 00h 12 BYTEs	common data (see #02935)
 0Ch 80 BYTEs	FaxBIOS data
 5Ch 80 BYTEs	default cover
 ACh 80 BYTEs	default logo
 FCh 80 BYTEs	default signature
14Ch 80 BYTEs	default font 10
19Ch 80 BYTEs	default font 165
1ECh 80 BYTEs	default user font
23Ch 80 BYTEs	default Pdir
28Ch 80 BYTEs	default sort
2DCh 10 BYTEs	default bill
2E6h 10 BYTEs	default route
2F0h 40 BYTEs	default cover sheet form
318h 34 BYTEs	valid dial characters
33Ah  6 BYTEs	local country code
340h  6 BYTEs	local city or area code
346h  6 BYTEs	future expansion
34Ch	WORD	structure size

Format of FaxBIOS STAT_IO_GET command buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02937)
 00h 12 BYTEs	common data (see #02935)
 0Ch	WORD	device number
 0Eh	WORD	current activity
 10h	WORD	number of rings (if ringing)
 12h	WORD	number of fascimiles transmitted
 14h	WORD	number of fascimiles received
 16h	WORD	status of last transmission
 18h	WORD	envelope number of last transmission
 1Ah	WORD	index of last destination in envelope
 1Ch	WORD	status of last reception
 1Eh	WORD	current page (if session in progress)
 20h 80 BYTEs	current file
 70h 104 BYTEs	remote number
 D8h 20 BYTEs	last name
 ECh 20 BYTEs	first name
100h 32 BYTEs	company name
120h 32 BYTEs	notes
140h	WORD	current envelope ID (if sending)
142h	WORD	total pages in transmission (if sending)
144h  6 BYTEs	future expansion
14h	WORD	structure size

Format of FaxBIOS STAT_FAXBIOS_GET command buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02938)
 00h 12 BYTEs	common data (see #02935)
 0Ch	WORD	status ID
 0Eh	WORD	currenty FaxBIOS function number
 10h	WORD	current Client ID being serviced
 12h	WORD	number of things to do
 14h	WORD	number of them done
 16h	WORD	number of pages to do (if any)
 18h	WORD	number of them done
 1Ah	WORD	number of files to do
 1Ch	WORD	number of them done
 1Eh 80 BYTEs	current File
 6Eh	WORD	0 if all devices are idle
 70h	WORD	number of fascimiles transmitted
 72h	WORD	number of fascimiles received
 74h	WORD	status of last transmission in system
 76h	WORD	envelope ID of last transmission
 78h	WORD	index of last destination in envelope
 7Ah	WORD	status of last reception in system
 7Ch	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	time of next transmission
 80h  6 BYTEs	future expansion
 86h	WORD	structure size

Format of FaxBIOS PDIR_OPEN command buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02939)
 00h 12 BYTEs	common data (see #02935)
 0Ch 80 BYTEs	Phone Directory token
 5Ch 80 BYTEs	sort order token
 ACh	WORD	open Mode (0 = read, 1 = write)
 AEh	WORD	Phone Directory handle
 B0h	WORD	number of people
 B2h	WORD	number of groups
 B4h	WORD	bitmap of fields supported by partial read
 B6h  6 BYTEs	future expansion
 BCh	WORD	structure size

Format of FaxBIOS PDIR_CLOSE command buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02940)
 00h 12 BYTEs	common data (see #02935)
 0Ch	WORD	Phone Directory handle
 0Eh  6 BYTEs	future expansion
 14h	WORD	structure size

Format of FaxBIOS PDIR_READ_PERSON command buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02941)
 00h 12 BYTEs	common data (see #02935)
 0Ch	WORD	Phone Directory handle
 0Eh	WORD	retrieve by index
 10h	WORD	person ID or index
 12h	WORD	how many groups person is in
 14h	WORD	person ID
 16h 20 BYTEs	last name
 2Ah 20 BYTEs	first name
 3Eh 32 BYTEs	company
 5Eh 32 BYTEs	notes
 7Eh  6 BYTEs	FAX country code
 84h  6 BYTEs	FAX city/area code
 8Ah 14 BYTEs	FAX local number
 98h 14 BYTEs	FAX extension
 A6h 24 BYTEs	reserved
 BEh  6 BYTEs	voice country code
 C4h  6 BYTEs	voice city/area code
 CAh 14 BYTEs	voice local number
 D8h 14 BYTEs	voice extension
 E6h 24 BYTEs	reserved
 FEh 10 BYTEs	outbound routing information
108h 10 BYTEs	billing information, credit card etc
112h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	remote FAX capabilities
116h 21 BYTEs	T.30 poll code of FAX number
12Bh 15 BYTEs	reserved
13Ah  6 BYTEs	future expansion
140h	WORD	structure size

Format of FaxBIOS SCHED_OPEN, SCHED_CANCEL command buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02942)
 00h 12 BYTEs	common data (see #02935)
 0Ch	WORD	scheduler handle
 0Eh  6 BYTEs	future expansion
 14h	WORD	structure size

Format of FaxBIOS SCHED_ADD_DEST command buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02943)
 00h 12 BYTEs	common data (see #02935)
 0Ch	WORD	schedule handle
 0Eh	WORD	device number if manual send wanted
 10h	WORD	non-zero if poll desired
 12h	WORD	person ID
 14h 20 BYTEs	last name
 28h 20 BYTEs	first name
 3Ch 32 BYTEs	company
 5Ch 32 BYTEs	notes
 7Ch  6 BYTEs	FAX country code
 82h  6 BYTEs	FAX city/area code
 88h 14 BYTEs	FAX local number
 96h 14 BYTEs	FAX extension
 A4h 24 BYTEs	reserved
 BCh  6 BYTEs	voice country code
 C2h  6 BYTEs	voice city/area code
 C8h 14 BYTEs	voice local number
 D6h 14 BYTEs	voice extension
 E4h 24 BYTEs	reserved
 FCh 10 BYTEs	outbound routing information
106h 10 BYTEs	billing information, credit card etc
110h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	remote FAX capabilities
114h 21 BYTEs	T.30 poll code of FAX number
129h 15 BYTEs	reserved
138h  6 BYTEs	future expansion
13Eh	WORD	structure size
SeeAlso: #02944

Format of FaxBIOS SCHED_ADD_FILE command buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02944)
 00h 12 BYTEs	common data (see #02935)
 0Ch	WORD	schedule handle
 0Eh	WORD	file type
		0000h unidentified
		0001h native file format
		0002h ASCII
		0003h FaxBIOS Tiff Class F
 10h 80 BYTEs	file name
 60h 80 BYTEs	font token
 B0h	WORD	conversion options bitmap
 B2h	WORD	resolution
		0000h standard 98 lines per inch, 204 dpi
		0001h fine 196 lines per inch, 204 dpi
		0002h Group4 300 dpi
		0003h Group4 400 dpi
 B4h	WORD	page length
		0000h 279 mm (11 in)
		0001h 297 mm (11.69 in)
		0002h 364 mm (14.33 in)
		0003h unlimited
 B6h	WORD	page width
		0000h 215 mm (8.46 in)
		0001h 255 mm (10.04 in)
		0002h 303 mm (11.93 in)
		0003h 151 mm (5.91 in)
		0004h 107 mm (4.21 in)
 B8h	WORD	binary file transfer specification
		0000h only as FAX
		0001h only as file (for non-faxable files)
		0002h as file when possible else FAX
 BAh	WORD	seam flag (nonzero for seam with next)
 BCh	WORD	delete flag (nonzero to delete when done)
 BEh  6 BYTEs	future expansion
 C4h	WORD	structure size
SeeAlso: #02943,#02945

Format of FaxBIOS SCHED_SET_PARAMS command buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02945)
 00h 12 BYTEs	common data (see #02935)
 0Ch	WORD	scheduler handle
 0Eh	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	time to send
 10h 10 BYTEs	priority token
 1Ch 80 BYTEs	logo file token
 6Ch 80 BYTEs	signature file token
 BCh 80 BYTEs	cover page token
10Ch 40 BYTEs	Subject text
134h 40 BYTEs	From text
15Ch	WORD	user ID
15Eh  6 BYTEs	future expansion
164h	WORD	structure size
SeeAlso: #02943,#02944,#02946

Format of FaxBIOS SCHED_CLOSE command buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02946)
 00h 12 BYTEs	common data (see #02935)
 0Ch	WORD	scheduler handle
 0Eh	WORD	envelope ID generated
 10h  6 BYTEs	future expansion
 16h	WORD	structure size
SeeAlso: #02945

Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02947)
 00h 12 BYTEs	common data (see #02935)
 0Ch	WORD	log handle
 0Eh	WORD	number of entries
 10h  6 BYTEs	future expansion
 16h	WORD	structure size

Format of FaxBIOS GRAPH_GET_FILE_TYPE command buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02948)
 00h 12 BYTEs	common data (see #02935)
 0Ch 80 BYTEs	filename
 5Ch	WORD	file type
		0000h unidentified
		0001h native file format
		0002h ASCII
		0003h FaxBIOS Tiff Class F
 5Eh	WORD	bitmap of supported capabilities
 60h  6 BYTEs	future expansion
 66h	WORD	structure size
SeeAlso: #02949,#02950

Format of FaxBIOS GRAPH_CREATE_FILE command buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02949)
 00h 12 BYTEs	common data (see #02935)
 0Ch 80 BYTEs	filename
 5Ch	WORD	graph handle
 5Eh  6 BYTEs	future expansion
 64h	WORD	structure size
SeeAlso: #02948,#02950,#02951

Format of FaxBIOS GRAPH_CLOSE_FILE, GRAPH_END_PAGE command buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02950)
 00h 12 BYTEs	common data (see #02935)
 0Ch	WORD	graph handle
 0Eh  6 BYTEs	future expansion
 14h	WORD	structure size
SeeAlso: #02949,#02951

Format of FaxBIOS GRAPH_CREATE_PAGE command buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02951)
 00h 12 BYTEs	common data (see #02935)
 0Ch	WORD	graph handle
 0Eh	WORD	resolution
 10h	WORD	page width
 12h  6 BYTEs	future expansion
 18h	WORD	structure size
SeeAlso: #02949,#02950,#02952

Format of FaxBIOS GRAPH_WRITE_PAGE command buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02952)
 00h 12 BYTEs	common data (see #02935)
 0Ch	WORD	graph handle
 0Eh	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	pointer to storage for image
 12h	WORD	band height in lines
 14h	WORD	width of page image in bytes
 16h	WORD	facsimile page width constant
 18h	WORD	width of page image in bits
 1Ah	WORD	number of bytes actually processed
 1Ch  6 BYTEs	future expansion
 22h	WORD	structure size
SeeAlso: #02951,#02953

Format of FaxBIOS GRAPH_OPEN_FILE command buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02953)
 00h 12 BYTEs	common data (see #02935)
 0Ch 80 BYTEs	filename
 5Ch	WORD	file type
 5Eh	WORD	graph handle
 60h	WORD	number of pages
 62h  6 BYTEs	future expansion
 68h	WORD	structure size
SeeAlso: #02952,#02954

Format of FaxBIOS GRAPH_GOTO_PAGE command buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02954)
 00h 12 BYTEs	common data (see #02935)
 0Ch	WORD	graph handle
 0Eh	WORD	page number
 10h	WORD	vertical resolution
 12h	WORD	page width
 14h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	page length
 18h  6 BYTEs	future expansion
 1Eh	WORD	structure size
SeeAlso: #02952,#02953,#02955

Format of FaxBIOS GRAPH_READ_PAGE command buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02955)
 00h 12 BYTEs	common data (see #02935)
 0Ch	WORD	graph handle
 0Eh	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	pointer to storage for image
 12h	WORD	band height in lines
 14h	WORD	width of page image in bytes
 16h	WORD	facsimile page width constant
 18h	WORD	width of page image in bits
 1Ah	WORD	number of bytes actually processed
 1Ch  6 BYTEs	future expansion
 22h	WORD	structure size

Format of FaxBIOS IOCTL_ANSWER_FAX command buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02956)
 00h 12 BYTEs	common data (see #02935)
 0Ch	WORD	device number
 0Eh  6 BYTEs	future expansion
 14h	WORD	structure size
SeeAlso: #02957

Format of FaxBIOS IOCTL_DIAL command buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02957)
 00h 12 BYTEs	common data (see #02935)
 0Ch	WORD	device number
 0Eh  6 BYTEs	country code
 14h  6 BYTEs	city or area code
 1Ah 14 BYTEs	local number
 28h 14 BYTEs	extension
 36h 14 BYTEs	reserved
 4Eh  6 BYTEs	future expansion
 54h	WORD	structure size
SeeAlso: #02956