INT 13 - Future Domain SCSI(Small Computer Systems Interface) A system-independent expansion bus typically used to connect hard disks, tape drives, and CD-ROMs to a computer.	A host adapter connects the SCSI bus to the computer's own bus.  See also ESDI, IDE. CONTROLLER - GET INQUIRY INFO FROM SCSI(Small Computer Systems Interface) A system-independent expansion bus typically used to connect hard disks, tape drives, and CD-ROMs to a computer.	A host adapter connects the SCSI bus to the computer's own bus.  See also ESDI, IDE. DEVICE
	AX = 1700h
	CL = length of buffer
	DL = hard drive ID
	ES:BX -> buffer for info (see #00243)
Return: CF clear if successful
	    CH = number of bytes returned in buffer???
	CF set on error
	    AH = status code (see #00234 at AH=01h)
Notes:	this function is not available with 8-bit controller ROM(Read-Only Memory) A memory for program storage which may not be changed by the program as it runs. versions < 7.0
	information block bytes 5-n are vendor-specific in older SCSI(Small Computer Systems Interface) A system-independent expansion bus typically used to connect hard disks, tape drives, and CD-ROMs to a computer.	A host adapter connects the SCSI bus to the computer's own bus.  See also ESDI, IDE. devices
	the TMC-950 does not support any Future Domain BIOS(Basic Input/Output System) A set of standardized calls giving low-level access to the hardware.  The BIOS is the lowest software layer above the actual hardware and serves to insulate programs (and operating systems) which use it from the details of accessing the hardware directly. calls; instead,
	  it provides a full CAM implementation (see INT 4F/AX=8100h)
SeeAlso: AH=18h"SCSI(Small Computer Systems Interface) A system-independent expansion bus typically used to connect hard disks, tape drives, and CD-ROMs to a computer.	A host adapter connects the SCSI bus to the computer's own bus.  See also ESDI, IDE.",AH=1Bh"SCSI(Small Computer Systems Interface) A system-independent expansion bus typically used to connect hard disks, tape drives, and CD-ROMs to a computer.	A host adapter connects the SCSI bus to the computer's own bus.  See also ESDI, IDE."

Format of Future Domain SCSI(Small Computer Systems Interface) A system-independent expansion bus typically used to connect hard disks, tape drives, and CD-ROMs to a computer.	A host adapter connects the SCSI bus to the computer's own bus.  See also ESDI, IDE. inquiry information block:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 00243)
 00h	BYTE	device type
		bits 0-4: peripheral device type (see #00244)
		bits 5-7: peripheral qualifier (see #00245)
 01h	BYTE	device type modifier
		bits 0-6: device type modifier
		bit 7: removable medium
 02h	BYTE	SCSI(Small Computer Systems Interface) A system-independent expansion bus typically used to connect hard disks, tape drives, and CD-ROMs to a computer.	A host adapter connects the SCSI bus to the computer's own bus.  See also ESDI, IDE. version (see #00246)
 03h	BYTE	data format/capabilities (see #00247)
 04h	BYTE	additional data length (total remaining bytes)
 05h  2 BYTEs	reserved
 07h	BYTE	device capabilities (see #00248)
 08h  8 BYTEs	vendor identification (space-padded ASCII)
 10h  8 BYTEs	product identification (space-padded ASCII)
 20h  4 BYTEs	product revision level (space-padded ASCII)
 24h 20 BYTEs	vendor specific
 38h 40 BYTEs	reserved
 60h	var	vendor specific parameters

(Table 00244)
Values for Future Domain SCSI(Small Computer Systems Interface) A system-independent expansion bus typically used to connect hard disks, tape drives, and CD-ROMs to a computer.	A host adapter connects the SCSI bus to the computer's own bus.  See also ESDI, IDE. peripheral device type:
 00h	direct-access device (e.g., magnetic disk)
 01h	sequential-access device (e.g., magnetic tape)
 02h	printer device
 03h	processor device
 04h	write-once device (e.g., some optical disks)
 05h	CD-ROM device
 06h	scanner device
 07h	optical memory device (e.g., some optical disks)
 08h	medium changer device (e.g., jukeboxes)
 09h	communications device
 0Ah	(defined by ASC IT8)
 0Bh	(defined by ASC IT8)
 0Ch-1Eh reserved
 1Fh	unknown or no device type

(Table 00245)
Values for Future Domain SCSI(Small Computer Systems Interface) A system-independent expansion bus typically used to connect hard disks, tape drives, and CD-ROMs to a computer.	A host adapter connects the SCSI bus to the computer's own bus.  See also ESDI, IDE. peripheral qualifier:
 000b	device is currently connected to this logical unit and available
 001b	target is capable of supporting the specified peripheral, but the
	  physical device is not currently connected to this logical unit
 010b	reserved
 011b	target can't support a physical device on this logical unit
 1xxb	vendor specific

Bitfields for Future Domain SCSI(Small Computer Systems Interface) A system-independent expansion bus typically used to connect hard disks, tape drives, and CD-ROMs to a computer.	A host adapter connects the SCSI bus to the computer's own bus.  See also ESDI, IDE. version:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 00246)
 0-2	ANSI-approved version
	000 device might or might not comply to ANSI standard
	001 device complies to ANSI SCSI-1
	010 device complies to ANSI SCSI-2
	other reserved
 3-5	ECMA version
 6-7	ISO version

Bitfields for Future Domain SCSI(Small Computer Systems Interface) A system-independent expansion bus typically used to connect hard disks, tape drives, and CD-ROMs to a computer.	A host adapter connects the SCSI bus to the computer's own bus.  See also ESDI, IDE. data format/capabilities:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 00247)
 0-2	response data format
	000 information block is as specified in SCSI-1
	001 information block is as specified in CCS
	010 information block is as specified in SCSI-2
	other reserved
 4-5	reserved
 6	terminate I/O process supported
 7	asynchronous event notification supported

Bitfields for Future Domain SCSI(Small Computer Systems Interface) A system-independent expansion bus typically used to connect hard disks, tape drives, and CD-ROMs to a computer.	A host adapter connects the SCSI bus to the computer's own bus.  See also ESDI, IDE. device capabilities:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 00248)
 0	device responds to RESET with a hard RESET
 1	tagged command queuing supported
 2	reserved
 3	linked commands supported
 4	synchronous data transfer supported
 5	16-transfers supported
 6	32-transfers supported
 7	relative addressing supported