INT 1A - Microsoft Real-Time Compression Interface (MRCI) - ROM-BASED SERVER
	AX = B001h
	CX = 4D52h ("MR")
	DX = 4349h ("CI")
Return: CX = 4943h ("IC") if installed
	DX = 524Dh ("RM") if installed
	    ES:DI -> MRCINFO structure (see #00725)
Note:	this call is functionally identical to INT 2F/AX=4A12h, which should
	  be called first, as this call is used for the first, ROM-based
	  MRCI server, while the other call is used for RAM-based servers
	  which may be partially or entirely replacing a prior server
SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=4A12h

Format of MRCINFO structure:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 00725)
 00h  4 BYTEs	vendor signature
		"MSFT" Microsoft
 04h	WORD	server version (high=major)
 06h	WORD	MRCI specification version
 08h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	address of server entry point (see #00727)
 0Ch	WORD	bit flags: server capabilities (see #00726)
 0Eh	WORD	bit flags: hardware assisted capabilities (see #00726)
 10h	WORD	maximum block size supported by server (at least 8192 bytes)

Bitfields for MRCI capabilities:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 00726)
 0	standard compress
 1	standard decompress
 2	update compress
 3	MaxCompress (not present in initial public release)
 4	reserved
 5	incremental decompress
 6	MRCI 2.0 standard compress
 7	MRCI 2.0 standard decompress
 8-14	reserved
 15	this structure is in ROM(Read-Only Memory) A memory for program storage which may not be changed by the program as it runs. and can't be modified
	(server capabilities only)

(Table 00727)
Call MRCI entry point with:
	DS:SI -> MRCREQUEST structure (see #00728)
	CX = type of client (0000h application, 0001h file system)
	AX = operation
	    0001h perform standard compression
	    0002h perform standard decompression
	    0004h perform update compression
	    0008h perform MaxCompress
	    0020h perform incremental decompression
	    0040h perform MRCI 2.0 standard compression
	    0080h perform MRCI 2.0 standard decompression
	AX = FFFFh clear flags
	    BX = bitmask of flags to clear (set bits in BX are flags to clear)
Return: AX = status
	    0000h successful
	    0001h invalid function
	    0002h server busy, try again
	    0003h destination buffer too small
	    0004h incompressible data
	    0005h bad compressed data format
	BP destroyed (MS-DOS 6.2)
Note:	MRCI driver may chain to a previous driver

Format of MRCREQUEST structure:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 00728)
 00h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	pointer to source buffer
 04h	WORD	size of source buffer (0000h = 64K)
 06h	WORD	(UpdateCompress only)
		(call) offset in source buffer of beginning of changed data
		(ret) offset in destination buffer of beginning of changed
			  compressed data
 08h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	pointer to destination buffer
		must contain original compressed data for UpdateCompress
 0Ch	WORD	size of destination buffer (0000h = 64K)
		any compression: size of buffer for compressed data
		standard decompression: number of bytes to be decompressed
		incremental decompression: number of byte to decompress now
		(ret) actual size of resulting data
 0Eh	WORD	client compressed data storage allocation size
 10h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	incremental decompression state data
		set to 00000000h before first incremental decompression call
Notes:	the source and destination buffers may not overlap
	the source and destination buffer sizes should normally be the same
	application should not update the contents of the MRCREQUEST structure
	  between incremental decompression calls