INT 33 - MS MOUSE v1.0+ - RETURN POSITION AND BUTTON STATUS AX = 0003h Return: BX = button status (see #03168) CX = column DX = row Note: in text modes, all coordinates are specified as multiples of the cell size, typically 8x8 pixels SeeAlso: AX=0004h,AX=000Bh,INT 2F/AX=D000h"ZWmous" Bitfields for mouse button status: Bit(s) Description (Table 03168) 0 left button pressed if 1 1 right button pressed if 1 2 middle button pressed if 1 (Mouse Systems/Logitech/Genius)
INT 33 - CuteMouse 2.1b4+ - RETURN POSITION, BUTTON STATUS AND WHEEL COUNTER AX = 0003h Return: BL = buttons status BH = 8-bit signed counter of wheel movement since last call CX = column DX = row Notes: returned wheel counter contains all wheel movements accumulated since the last call to INT 33/AX=0003h, INT 33/AX=0005h/BX=-1 or INT 33/AX=0006h/BX=-1 positive value of wheel counter means downward wheel movement this call also clears the wheel movement counter