INT 33 - MS MOUSE v7.05+ - GET SWITCH SETTINGS AND ACCELERATION PROFILE DATA AX = 0033h CX = size of buffer 0000h get required buffer size Return: AX = 0000h CX = required size (0154h for Logitech v6.10, 0159h for MS v8.10-8.20) other ES:DX -> buffer of CX bytes for mouse settings Return: AX = 0000h CX = number of bytes returned ES:DX buffer filled (see #03182) SeeAlso: AX=002Bh Format of mouse settings data buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 03182) 00h BYTE mouse type 01h BYTE current language 02h BYTE horizontal sensitivity (00h-64h) 03h BYTE vertical sensitivity (00h-64h) 04h BYTE double-speed threshold (00h-64h) 05h BYTE ballistic curve (01h-04h) 06h BYTE interrupt rate (01h-04h) 07h BYTE cursor override mask 08h BYTE laptop adjustment 09h BYTE memory type (00h-02h) 0Ah BYTE SuperVGA support (00h,01h) 0Bh BYTE rotation angle 0Ch BYTE ??? 0Dh BYTE primary button (01h-04h) 0Eh BYTE secondary button (01h-04h) 0Fh BYTE click lock enabled (00h,01h) 10h 324 BYTEs acceleration profile data (see #03180) 154h 5 BYTEs ??? (Microsoft driver, but not Logitech)