INT 33 - Smooth Mouse Driver, PrecisePoint - GET INFORMATION                    
	AX = 3003h
	BL = data structure selector
	    00h Primary Bitmap (used for 25 line mode) (see #03192)
	    01h Secondary Bitmap (used for 43/50 line modes) (see #03192)
	    02h Sacrifice Character Map (see #03193)
	    03h Program Information (see #03194)
Return: ES:DX -> selected data structure
SeeAlso: AX=3000h

Format of Primary/Secondary Bitmap [SMD_BITMAP_STRUCT]:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03192)
 00h	BYTE	vertical size of bitmap (00h - 10h)
 01h	BYTE	horizontal size of bitmap (00h - 10h)
 02h	BYTE	vertical hotspot position (00h - 10h)
 03h	BYTE	horizontal hotspot position (00h - 10h)
 04h 16 WORDs	cursor bitmap data
 14h 16 WORDs	screen bitmap data

Format of Sacrifice Character Map [SMD_SMAP_STRUCT]:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03193)
 00h	BYTE	bytes are character values (00h-FFh) used in place of the
 01h	BYTE	actual character for the corresponding position on the screen
 02h	BYTE	     +--------------+	  occupied by part or all of the mouse
 03h	BYTE	     | 0h | 1h | 2h |	  cursor
 04h	BYTE	     |----+----+----|
 05h	BYTE	     | 3h | 4h | 5h |
 06h	BYTE	     |----+----+----|
 07h	BYTE	     | 6h | 7h | 8h |
 08h	BYTE	     +--------------+

Format of Program Information [SMD_INFO_STRUCT]:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03194)
 00h	WORD	segment of old interrupt 33h handler
 02h	WORD	offset of old interrupt 33h handler
 04h	WORD	PSPsee Program Segment Prefix of SMD
 06h	BYTE	ENABLE/DISABLE manual setting status
 07h	BYTE	ENABLE/DISABLE internal usage status