INT 14 - ARTICOM - ATTACH ASYNCHRONOUS RESOURCE                                 
	AX = 8004h
	DX = port to redirect (COM1=0, COM2=1, ...)
	CH = attach type
	CL = adapter to use for attach, 0FFh to search all
	ES:DI -> attachment structure (see #00361)
Return: AX = error code, if error (see #00360)
Note:	The wildcard '*' is supported in the server and resource fields.  If
	  wild cards are used then the first matching available server is
SeeAlso: AX=8000h,AX=8003h,AX=8005h

Format of ARTICOM attachment structure:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 00361)
 00h 16 BYTEs	server to look for attach
 10h 16 BYTEs	attach to resource name
 20h 16 BYTEs	username for attach
 30h 16 BYTEs	password for username or resource
 40h	BYTE	attach type
		00h normal
		01h queue if resource is in use (not yet supported in v1.00)