INT 2D - KEYBIT Lite v5+ - GET POINTER TO STATUS BYTE                           
	AL = 10h
	AH = AMIS multiplex number for KEYBIT Lite
Return: DX:BX -> status byte (see #02584)
Program: KEYBIT Lite is an enhanced Italian keyboard driver by Pino Navato.
SeeAlso: INT 2D"AMIS"

Bitfields for KEYBIT Lite status byte:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 02584)
 7	KEYBIT Lite active
 6	E-mail support active
 5-0	reserved
Notes:	E-mail support is one of the original features of KEYBIT Lite.	It is
	  the automatic conversion of the 8-bits ASCII chars produced by some
	  keys available on Italian keyboards to couples of 7-bits chars.
	Message editors should always enable e-mail support, they should also
	  restore its original status before exiting.
	The user can change both status bits by hotkeys.

INT 2D - ALTMENU - GET POINTER TO KEY CODE                                      
	AL = 10h
	AH = AMIS multiplex number for signature 'Pino Nav' 'ALTMENU '
Return: DX:BX -> WORD key code to insert in keyboard buffer on Alt-key tap
Program: Pino Navato's freeware ALTMENU permits activating the menu bar of
	  any program by pressing the Alt key alone.
Notes:	The value in the key code word will be returned in AX by a call to
	  INT 16/AH=00h after the Alt key is pressed by itself
	ALTMENU may be disabled by setting the key code equal to 0000h
SeeAlso: INT 16/AH=00h,INT 2D"AMIS"