INT 2F - DOS Protected ModeOne of the operating modes of the 80286 and higher Intel processors, in which addresses used by programs no longer correspond to physical addresses and the CPU enforces various protection mechanisms designed to prevent one program from disrupting other programs or the operating system.  See also Real Mode, Virtual-86 Mode. Services (DPMSsee DOS Protected-Mode Services) v1.0 - REGISTER CLIENT
	AX = 43E1h
	CX = required protected-mode stack size in bytes
	ES:DI -> DPMSsee DOS Protected-Mode Services client interface structure (see #02794)
Return: AX = 0000h if supported
	   CF clear
	   ES:DI buffer filled with API(Application Program[ming] Interface) The defined set of calls which a program may make to interact with or request services of the operating system or environment under which it is running.  Because the inputs and outputs of the calls are well-defined, a program using the API can continue using the identical calls even if the internal organization of the program providing the API changes. entry point code from offset 0Ah
Note:	the client is allowed to copy the returned API(Application Program[ming] Interface) The defined set of calls which a program may make to interact with or request services of the operating system or environment under which it is running.  Because the inputs and outputs of the calls are well-defined, a program using the API can continue using the identical calls even if the internal organization of the program providing the API changes. code to any location in
	  memory, and need not keep the three code fields together
SeeAlso: AX=43E0h,AX=43E2h,AX=43E3h

Format of DPMSsee DOS Protected-Mode Services client interface structure:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02794)
 00h	WORD	0000h (structure version / flags)
 02h  8 BYTEs	blank-padded client name
 0Ah  7 BYTEs	real/virtual-86 mode API(Application Program[ming] Interface) The defined set of calls which a program may make to interact with or request services of the operating system or environment under which it is running.  Because the inputs and outputs of the calls are well-defined, a program using the API can continue using the identical calls even if the internal organization of the program providing the API changes. code (see #02795)
 11h	BYTE	space for return instruction
		set to C3h for near return, CBh for far return
 12h  7 BYTEs	16-bit protected-mode API(Application Program[ming] Interface) The defined set of calls which a program may make to interact with or request services of the operating system or environment under which it is running.  Because the inputs and outputs of the calls are well-defined, a program using the API can continue using the identical calls even if the internal organization of the program providing the API changes. code (see #02795)
 19h	BYTE	space for return instruction
		set to C3h for near return, CBh for far return
 1Ah  9 BYTEs	32-bit protected-mode API(Application Program[ming] Interface) The defined set of calls which a program may make to interact with or request services of the operating system or environment under which it is running.  Because the inputs and outputs of the calls are well-defined, a program using the API can continue using the identical calls even if the internal organization of the program providing the API changes. code (see #02795)
 23h	BYTE	space for return instruction
		set to C3h for near return, CBh for far return
Note:	the DPMSsee DOS Protected-Mode Services server fills the return opcode bytes with zeros and DPMSsee DOS Protected-Mode Services
	  requests will thus crash the system unless the application
	  explicitly sets them (some early versions set them to C3h by
	  default, but one should not rely on that)

(Table 02795)
Call DPMSsee DOS Protected-Mode Services entry point with:
	AX = 0000h unregister client from server
 ---control transfer functions---
	AX = 0100h call protected-mode procedure
		CX = number of words of stack to copy
		ES:(E)DI -> callup/down register structure (see #02797)
		Return: CF clear if successful
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
	AX = 0101h call real-mode procedure (RETF return)
		CX = number of words of stack to copy
		ES:(E)DI -> callup/down register structure (see #02797)
		Return: CF clear if successful
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
	AX = 0102h call real-mode procedure (IRET return)
		CX = number of words of stack to copy
		ES:(E)DI -> callup/down register structure (see #02797)
		Return: CF clear if successful
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
	AX = 0103h call real-mode interrupt handler
		BL = interrupt number
		CX = number of words of stack to copy
		ES:(E)DI -> callup/down register structure (see #02797)
		Return: CF clear if successful
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
	AX = 0104h register default protected mode procedure
		ES:(E)DI -> default register structure (see #02798)
		Return: CF clear if successful
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
	AX = 0105h register default real-mode procedure (RETF return)
		ES:(E)DI -> default register structure (see #02798)
		Return: CF clear if successful
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
		Note:	the procedure will be called from 16-bit prot. mode
	AX = 0106h register default real-mode procedure (IRET return)
		ES:(E)DI -> default register structure (see #02798)
		Return: CF clear if successful
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
		Note:	the procedure will be called from 16-bit prot. mode
	AX = 0107h register default real-mode interrupt handler
		BL = interrupt number
		ES:(E)DI -> default register structure (see #02798)
		Return: CF clear if successful
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
		Note:	the handler will be called from 16-bit protected mode
	AX = 0108h register default real-mode procedure (RETF return)
		ES:(E)DI -> default register structure (see #02798)
		Return: CF clear if successful
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
		Note:	the procedure will be called from 32-bit prot. mode
	AX = 0109h register default real-mode procedure (IRET return)
		ES:(E)DI -> default register structure (see #02798)
		Return: CF clear if successful
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
		Note:	the procedure will be called from 32-bit prot. mode
	AX = 010Ah register default real-mode interrupt handler
		BL = interrupt number
		ES:(E)DI -> default register structure (see #02798)
		Return: CF clear if successful
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
		Note:	the handler will be called from 32-bit protected mode
 ---descriptor management---
	AX = 0200h allocate descriptors
		CX = number of descriptors to allocate
		Return: CF clear if successful
			    AX = selector for first descriptor allocated
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
	AX = 0201h free a descriptor
		BX = selector for descriptor
		Return: CF clear if successful
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
	AX = 0202h create alias descriptor
		BX = selector for descriptor to be aliased
		Return: CF clear if successful
			    AX = alias descriptor
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
	AX = 0203h build alias to real-mode segment
		BX = descriptor
		CX = real-mode segment
		Return: CF clear if successful
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
	AX = 0204h set descriptor base
		BX = descriptor
		CX:DX = base address
		Return: CF clear if successful
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
	AX = 0205h set descriptor limit
		BX = descriptor
		CX = limit
		Return: CF clear if successful
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
	AX = 0206h set descriptor type/attribute
		BX = descriptor
		CL = type
		CH = attribute
		Return: CF clear if successful
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
	AX = 0207h get descriptor base
		BX = descriptor
		Return: CF clear if successful
			    CX:DX = base address
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
 ---linear memory functions---
	AX = 0300h get size of largest free block of memory
		Return: CF clear if successful
			    BX:CX = size
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
	AX = 0301h allocate block of extended memory
		BX:CX = required size
		Return: CF clear if successful
			    BX:CX = base address
			    SI:DI = handle
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
	AX = 0302h free block of extended memory
		SI:DI = handle
		Return: CF clear if successful
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
	AX = 0303h map linear memory
		ES:(E)DI -> DDS (see #02799)
		Return: CF clear if successful
			    BX:CX = base address
			    SI:DI = handle
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
	AX = 0304h unmap linear memory
		SI:DI = handle
		Return: CF clear if successful
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
	AX = 0305h get page table entries
		ESI = linear address
		(E)CX = count
		ES:(E)DI -> buffer for page table entries
		Return: CF clear if successful
			    ES:(E)DI buffer filled
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
	AX = 0306h set page table entries
		EBX = linear memory handle
		ESI = linear address
		(E)CX = count
		ES:(E)DI -> buffer containing page table entries
		Return: CF clear if successful
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
	AX = 0307h get largest mappable block size
		Return: CF clear if successful
			    BX:CX = size
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
	AX = 0400h relocate segment to extended memory
		ES:SI = base address
		CX = limit
		BL = type
		BH = attribute
		DX = selector or 0000h
		Return: CF clear if successful
			    AX = selector
			    BX:CX = new base address
			    SI:DI = handle
			CF set on error
			    AX = error code (see #02796)
Note:	the beta DPMSsee DOS Protected-Mode Services specification, which is still supported by the Novell
	  DOS 7.0 DPMSsee DOS Protected-Mode Services host, only supported functions 0100h-0103h, 0200h-0207h,
	  0300h-0304h, and 0400h

(Table 02796)
Values for DPMSsee DOS Protected-Mode Services error code:
 8000h	general error
 8001h	unsupported function
 8002h	unable to switch to protected mode
 8004h	no default stack defined
 8005h	unknown client
 8010h	resource unavailable
 8011h	descriptor unavailable
 8012h	linear memory unavailable
 8013h	physical memory unavailable
 8021h	invalid value
 8022h	invalid selector
 8023h	invalid handle
 8025h	invalid linear address

Format of DPMSsee DOS Protected-Mode Services callup/down register structure:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02797)
 00h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	EDI
 04h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	ESI
 08h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	EBP
 0Ch  4 BYTEs	reserved (0) (ESP, may be used by DPMSsee DOS Protected-Mode Services server)
 10h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	EBX
 14h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	EDX
 18h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	ECX
 20h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	EAX
 24h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	EIP
 28h	WORD	CS
 2Ah  2 BYTEs	reserved (0)
 2Ch	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	EFLAGS
 30h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	ESP
 34h	WORD	SS
 36h  2 BYTEs	reserved (0)
 38h	WORD	ES
 3Ah  2 BYTEs	reserved (0)
 3Eh  2 BYTEs	reserved (0)
 40h	WORD	FS
 42h  2 BYTEs	reserved (0)
 44h	WORD	GS
 46h  2 BYTEs	reserved (0)

Format of DPMSsee DOS Protected-Mode Services default register structure:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02798)
 00h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	EIP
 04h	WORD	CS
 06h  2 BYTEs	reserved (0)
 08h	WORD	number of words to copy from stack to stack
 0Ah	BYTE	(call) 00h
		(ret) nonzero if call could not be made
 0Bh	BYTE	reserved (may be used by some servers)
 0Ch	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	ESP
 10h	WORD	SS
 12h  2 BYTEs	reserved (0)
 14h	WORD	ES
 16h  2 BYTEs	reserved (0)
 18h	WORD	DS
 1Ah  2 BYTEs	reserved (0)
 1Eh  2 BYTEs	reserved (0)
 20h	WORD	GS
 22h  2 BYTEs	reserved (0)
 24h  9 BYTEs	API(Application Program[ming] Interface) The defined set of calls which a program may make to interact with or request services of the operating system or environment under which it is running.  Because the inputs and outputs of the calls are well-defined, a program using the API can continue using the identical calls even if the internal organization of the program providing the API changes. entry code (filled in by server)

Format of DPMSsee DOS Protected-Mode Services lock DDS:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02799)
 00h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	total size in bytes
 04h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	offset
 08h	WORD	segment or selector
 0Ah	WORD	reserved
 0Ch	WORD	maximum number of physical blocks structure has space for
 0Eh	WORD	number of physical blocks listed
 10h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	physical address of first block
 14h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	size in bytes of first block