INT 67 - LIM EMSsee Expanded Memory Specification 4.0 - GET MAPPABLE PHYSICAL ADDRESS ARRAY
	AH = 58h
	AL = subfunction
	    00h get mappable physical address array
		ES:DI -> buffer to be filled with array (see #03654)
	    01h get number of entries in m.p.a. array
Return: CX = number of entries in array
	AH = status (00h,80h,81h,84h,8Fh) (see #03652)
Note:	the returned array for subfunction 00h is filled in physical segment
	  address order

Format of EMSsee Expanded Memory Specification mappable physical address entry:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03654)
 00h	WORD	physical page segment
 02h	WORD	physical page number