INT 67 - RM386 v6.00+ - GET INTERRUPT VECTORS                                   
	AX = 5BE2h
Return: DS:SI -> V86-mode table (see #03657)
	ES:BX -> ??? (undoc, middle of device driver interrupt routine!)
SeeAlso: AX=5BE0h,AX=5BE1h

Format of RM386 V86-mode table:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03657)
 00h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	original INT 13 vector
 04h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	original INT 15 vector
 08h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	original INT 19 vector
 0Ch	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	original INT 21 vector
 10h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	original INT 4B vector
 14h	DWORDDoubleword; four bytes.	 Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address.	original INT 67 vector