INT 67 - MICEMM v4D, RM386 - GET ADDRESS MAP AX = 5BF1h ES:BX -> 256-byte (MICEMM) or 512-byte (RM386) buffer for memory types Return: AH = 00h ES:BX buffer filled (see #03658) Note: each byte in the buffer specifies the type of a 4K page of memory SeeAlso: AX=5BE0h,AX=5BF0h (Table 03658) Values for MICEMM/RM386 memory type: 00h unused (MICEMM), RAM(Random Access Memory) See also DRAM, SRAM./available (RM386) 02h DOS extension (XMSsee Extended Memory Specification UMBsee Upper Memory Block) 04h shadowed ROM(Read-Only Memory) A memory for program storage which may not be changed by the program as it runs. 08h mappable EMSsee Expanded Memory Specification 10h page frame 20h ROM(Read-Only Memory) A memory for program storage which may not be changed by the program as it runs. 40h reserved (video memory, etc) 80h RAM(Random Access Memory) See also DRAM, SRAM. (MICEMM), Windows UMBsee Upper Memory Block (RM386)