INT 10 - Alloy MW386 - GET PHYSICAL WORKSTATION ADAPTER TYPE                    
	AH = 91h
Return: AL = video adapter type (see #00210)
Note:	types less than 80h do not imply that the current user is on the host
SeeAlso: AH=90h

(Table 00210)
Values for Alloy MW386 video adapter type:
 00h	monochrome
 01h	Hercules monochrome graphics
 02h	CGAColor Graphics Adapter(Color/Graphics Adapter) One of the two video display boards introduced together with the original IBMInternational Busiuness Machines PCIBM PC.  See also HGC, MDA.
 03h	EGAEnhanced Graphics Adapter(Enhanced Graphics Adapter) IBMInternational Busiuness Machines's second color video board for the IBMInternational Busiuness Machines PCIBM PC family, capable of a maximum resolution of 640x350 pixels in 16 simultaneous colors of a total of 64 possible colors.
 04h	VGAVideo Graphics Array(Video Graphics Array) The video adapter introduced with the IBMInternational Busiuness Machines PS/2IBM PS/2, any model series of computers.
 80h	monochrome text terminal
 81h	Hercules graphics terminal
 82h	color graphics terminal