AH = E0h
	BX = port number to connect with (default 0017h used if <= 0)
	CX:DX = Internet address of remote host
	DS:DI -> 2-byte remote host (session) identifier
	ES:SI -> 1700-byte buffer for Telnet state record
	    0000h:0000h to use TelAPI internally-allocated space
Return: AX = status (0000h-0009h,FED3h,FF37h,FFBDh,FFC0h,FFCDh) (see #00397)
	ES:SI buffer filled with state record
	ES:SI -> internally-allocated state record in some versions
Note:	the remote host identifier may be used to refer to this connection
SeeAlso: AH=E1h,AH=ECh,AX=FF00h

(Table 00397)
Values for TelAPI status:
 0000h-7FFFh	successful (session number)
 FED3h	(-301)	no session allocated, or out of TelAPI data space
 FF37h	(-201)	all sessions in use
 FFBDh	(-67)	unknown hostname
 FFC0h	(-64)	host not functioning
 FFC3h	(-61)	connection attempt refused
 FFC4h	(-60)	connection attempt timed out
 FFC8h	(-56)	socket already connected
 FFCDh	(-51)	network is unreachable
 FFDDh	(-35)	operation would block