INT 17 - Alloy NTNX, MW386 - GET/SET PRINTER MODE                               
	AH = 99h
	AL = mode
	    00h NTNX compatibility
		DL = NTNX printer number (see #00643)
			(FFh = task's current logical LPT1)
		DH = mode (see #00644)
	    01h MW386
		DX = MW386 printer number
		CL = mode (as for DH above)
Return: AL = status (see #00642)
	DH = mode (bits 1 and 2 set as above)
	DL = printer owner's user number if not spooled

Bitfields for Alloy printer mode:
 0	get mode if 1, set mode if 0	(Table 00644)
 1	private ("attached")
 2	direct instead of spooled
 3-7	reserved (0)