INT 21 - LANtastic v4.0+ - SCHEDULE SERVER SHUTDOWN                             
	AX = 5FC8h
	ES:DI -> ASCIZA NUL-terminated ASCII string.	The ASCIZ string "ABC" consists of the four bytes 41h, 42h, 43h, and 00h.  Unless otherwise specified, maximum lengths given in the interrupt list do not include the terminating NUL. server name in form "\\machine"
	DS:SI -> ASCIZA NUL-terminated ASCII string.	The ASCIZ string "ABC" consists of the four bytes 41h, 42h, 43h, and 00h.  Unless otherwise specified, maximum lengths given in the interrupt list do not include the terminating NUL. reason string (80 characters)
	CX = number of minutes until shutdown (0 = immediate)
	DX = option flags (see #01744)
Return: CF clear if successful
	CF set on error
	    AX = error code
SeeAlso: AX=5FC9h

Bitfields for LANtastic option flags:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 01744)
 0	auto reboot
 1	do not notify users
 2	halt after shutdown
 3	shutdown due to power fail (used by UPS)
 4-7	reserved
 8-14	user definable
 15	reserved