INT 21 - Novell NetWare - CONNECTION CONTROL                                    
	AH = E3h
	DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01885)
	ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01886)
Return: AL = status
	    00h successful
	    else error code
Note:	supported by NetWare 4.0+, Advanced NetWare 1.0+, and Alloy NTNX
SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=0Ah,AH=E3h/SF=32h,AH=E3h/SF=64h,AH=E3h/SF=C8h

Format of NetWare request buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 01885)
 00h	WORD	length of following data
 02h	BYTE	subfunction number (see also AH=E3h/SF=01h,AH=E3h/SF=02h)
		00h login
		03h map object to number
		04h map number to object
		05h get station's logged information
		06h get station's root mask (obsolete)
		07h map group name to number
		08h map number to group name
		09h get memberset M of group G
	var	depends on subfunction
Notes:	the above subfunctions are not described in NetWare System Calls--DOS
	see separate entries below for other subfunctions
SeeAlso: #01886,#01887,#01890

Format of NetWare reply buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 01886)
 00h	WORD	(call) length of following buffer space for results
	var	depends on subfunction
SeeAlso: #01885

Format of NetWare object property:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 01887)
 00h 1-16 BYTEs property name (see also #01888)
  N	BYTE	flags
		bit 0: property is dynamic
		bit 1: property is a set rather than an item
 N+1	BYTE	security levels (see #01889)

(Table 01888)
Values for names of well-known NetWare properties:
 IDENTIFICATION		user's name

(Table 01889)
Values for NetWare security levels:
 00h	"anyone" everyone may access
 01h	"logged" only logged-in clients may access
 02h	"object" only clients logged-in with object's name, type, and password
 03h	"supervisor" only clients logged-in with supervisor privileges
 04h	"NetWare" only NetWare may access
Note:	the above values are stored in a nybble; the high half-byte is write
	  access and the low half-byte is read access

(Table 01890)
Values for NetWare object type:
 0000h	unknown
 0001h	user
 0002h	user group
 0003h	print queue / print server
 0004h	file server
 0005h	job server
 0006h	gateway
 0007h	print server
 0008h	archive queue
 0009h	archive server
 000Ah	job queue
 000Bh	administration
 0021h	NAS SNA gateway
 0024h	remote bridge server???
 0026h	remote bridge server
 0027h	TCPIP gateway
 002Dh	time synchronization server
 002Eh	archive server dynamic SAP
 0047h	advertising print server
 0053h	print queue uwer
 0048h-8000h reserved
 FFFFh	wild (used only for finding objects)