INT 21 - TopWare Network OS v5.10+ - GET SYSTEM INFORMATION                     
	AX = FF00h
	CL = what to get
	    00h user information (see #02528)
	    01h drive mapping (see #02529)
	    02h printer server(s)
	    05h local DOS drive number
Return: ES:BX -> desired information
Program: TopWare Network Operating System is manufactured by Grand Computer
Note:	this call is only supported on Workstations, not on the server
SeeAlso: AX=FF04h,INT 2F/AX=FF00h

Format of TopWare user information:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02528)
 00h	BYTE	node ID
 01h 15 BYTEs	user name
 10h	WORD	user number
 12h	BYTE	group number

Format of TopWare drive mapping [array]:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02529)
 00h	BYTE	bits 6-0: drive number (1=A:, etc.)
		bit 7: this is a server drive
 01h  3 BYTEs	mapping drive (for example, "C:\")
 04h 64 BYTEs	current directory