INT 61 - Banyan VINES - FILE SERVICE CONTROL                                    
	AX = 0004h
	DS:DX -> request block (see #03401)
Return: AX = status (see #03400)
Notes:	This service is handled by the redirector
	The request dispatch table contains dummy entries for requests 0Ah,
	  0Dh, 15h, 19h, and 1Ah, which always return error 0033h (invalid
	  request ID)

(Table 03400)
Values for Banyan VINES file service control status code:
 0000h	successful
 0002h	file not found
 0003h	path not found
 000Fh	invalid drive
 0015h	drive not ready
 0033h	invalid request ID
 0034h	drive not connected
 0037h	drive number out of range
 0038h	drive number not available
 003Ah	invalid operation
 0055h	drive already connected
 0057h	invalid number of entries

Format of Banyan VINES file service request block:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03401)
 00h	WORD	request ID (1..28)
 02h  n BYTES	additional parameters and result buffer