INT 61 - Banyan VINES - PRINT SERVICE CONTROL                                   
	AX = 0005h
	DS:DX -> request block (see #03428)
Return: AX = status
	    0000h successful
	    0001h network software not installed or incompatible
Notes:	This service is handled by the redirector
	The size of the request/result block depends on the selected function
	  and the value at offset 04h.
SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=D702h

Format of VINES request/result block for printer control:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03428)
 00h	WORD	function
		0201h "endspool" all data for a print job has been sent
		      (no bytes returned)
		0202h "deassign" the virtual printer port
		    Before the printer port is deassigned all data sent
		      to it is endspooled.
		      (no bytes returned)
		0205h "get_active" get currently active printer port
		      (1 byte required for result)
		    Returns:  - the currently active printer port (1-3) (0 if
				  there is none)
		0207h ??? purpose unknown; called periodically every second
		020Ch "get_bannertitle" gets the title which is printed on the
		      banner page of a print job sent to the virtual port
		      (16 bytes required for result)
		    Returns:  - the null-terminated banner title
		020Eh "get_servicename" gets the name of the print service
		      assigned to the virtual port
		      (64 bytes required for result)
		    Returns:  - the null-terminated print service name assigned
				  to the virtual port
		0210h "set_bannertitle" sets the title which is printed on the
		      banner page of a print job sent to the virtual port
		      (16 bytes required for input)
		    Input:  - the null-terminated banner title (max 16 chars)
		0212h "set_servicename" sets the name of the print service
		      assigned to the virtual port
		      (64 bytes required for input)
		    Input:  - the null-terminated print service name
				  (max 64 chars)
		0216h "get_job_paper_format" gets the paper format for
		      subsequent print jobs
		      (16 bytes required for result)
		    Returns:  - the null-terminated paper format
		0217h "set_job_paper_format" sets the paper format for
		      subsequent print jobs
		      (16 bytes required for input)
		    Input:  - the null-terminated paper format (max 16 chars)
 02h	WORD	number of active virtual port (1-3) (0 for function 0205h)
 04h	WORD	Offset into the request block from which additional input
		  is to be read and/or at which the result is to be copied
		  (if there is any). Therefore the smallest block size for a
		  function which returns a result is
			this offset + the maximum number of returned bytes - 1
 06h	WORD	0000h