INT 7C - SK-UPPS Data Link Interface API(Application Program[ming] Interface) The defined set of calls which a program may make to interact with or request services of the operating system or environment under which it is running. Because the inputs and outputs of the calls are well-defined, a program using the API can continue using the identical calls even if the internal organization of the program providing the API changes. - DOWN DRIVER AX = 0001h Return: AX = completion code (see #03846) Note: the DLI will refuse to unload if there are any protocols (see AX=0007h) or clients (see AX=0010h) active. Index: uninstall;SK-UPPS Data Link Interface (Table 03846) Values for SK-UPPS completion code: 0000h SUCCESS 0005h INVALID_MULTICAST 0006h BUFFER_TOO_SMALL 0007h NO_BUFFERS_LEFT 0008h NO_RESOURCES_LEFT 000Bh ILLEGAL_PROTOCOL_ID 000Ch PROTOCOL_IN_USE 000Dh NO_MULTICAST_ADDRESS 000Fh PROTOCOLS_ACTIVE 0010h CLIENTS_ACTIVE 001Bh INVALID_MODE 001Ch MODE_NOT_SUPPORTED FFFFh UNKNOWN_SERVICE