AL = get info type
	     01h Get System Console
		Return: ES:BX -> Configuration structure (see #04089)
	     else: ???
SeeAlso: PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) 1010h"Wang",MEM F000h:0000h,MEM FC00h:3FC2h,INT 21/AX=4402h

Format of Wang PCIBM PC System Console configuration structure:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 04089)
 00h	WORD	version
 02h	WORD	memory size
 04h  2 WORDs	reserved
 08h	WORD	number of screens (1..4)
 0Ah  4 WORDs	offset of console screen info structure 1..4 within
		  configuration structure's segment (ES) (see #04090)

Format of Wang PCIBM PC Screen Info structure:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 04090)
 00h	BYTE	state
		(bit 7 set appears to indicate the active console that is
		  currently attached to the screen)
 01h	BYTE	scanoff
 02h	WORD	buffer segment
 04h	BYTE	colors
 05h	BYTE	row
 06h	BYTE	column
 07h	BYTE	attribute
		00h = ???
		02h = ???
		0Fh = white on black
 08h	BYTE	auxiliary mode
 09h	BYTE	auxiliary mode 2
SeeAlso: #04089