INT 44 - Acorn BBC Master 512 - "OSARGS" - GET/SET FILE PARAMS FOR OPEN FILE AH = 00h AL = function 00h get current filing system Return: AL = filing system (see #03200) 01h get address of commandline tail Return: BX buffer filled with address of command tail in I/O processor address space (use INT 4A/AL=05h to retrieve) FFh flush all files onto secondary storage BX -> 4-byte data buffer Note: the commandline tail is terminated with a carriage return (0Dh) SeeAlso: INT 40"Acorn",INT 45"Acorn" (Table 03200) Values for BBC Master filing system: 00h none 01h 1200 bps cassette 02h 300 bps cassette 03h ROM(Read-Only Memory) A memory for program storage which may not be changed by the program as it runs. FS 04h DFS 05h ANFS/NFS 06h TFS 08h ADFS