INT E0 - REAL/32 - "N_SCT" - GET SERVER CONFIGURATION TABLE CL = 47h DS:DX -> 112-byte buffer for Server Configuration Table (see #04034) Return: AX = status (0000h successful, else error code) may destroy SI,DI,DS??? Note: the first byte of the SCT buffer is set to the desired server number prior to calling this function SeeAlso: INT E0/CL=45h Format of REAL/32 Server Configuration Table: Offset Size Description (Table 04034) 00h BYTE server's default physical drive ID 01h BYTE network status 02h BYTE server node ID number 03h BYTE maximum number of requesters supported by server 04h BYTE current number of shadow processes 05h 108 BYTEs six logon structures, each: Offset Size Description 00h WORD bit vector of logged-in nodes 02h 16 BYTEs list of requester node IDs