INT 1A - Tandy 2500, Tandy 1000L series - START PLAYING DIGITAL SOUND           
	AH = 83h
	AL = volume (0=silence, 7=highest)
	CX = number of bytes to play
	DX = time between sound samples (multiples of 273 nanoseconds)
	    only bits 11-0 used
	ES:BX -> sound data (array of 8-bit unsigned PCM samples)
Return: AH = 00h
	CF set if sound is busy
	CF clear if sound chip is free
Notes:	this call returns immediately while the sound plays in the
	  background; the sound chip is clocked at 3.57 MHz, with the low 12
	  bits of DX specifying the clock divisor
	The BIOS(Basic Input/Output System) A set of standardized calls giving low-level access to the hardware.  The BIOS is the lowest software layer above the actual hardware and serves to insulate programs (and operating systems) which use it from the details of accessing the hardware directly. appears to call INT 15/AX=91FBh when the sound device
	  underflows to allow another INT 1A/AH=83h for seamless playing of
	  long sounds.
SeeAlso: AH=84h"Tandy",INT 15/AH=91h