INT 2D - AMIS v3.6 - GET DEVICE-DRIVER INFORMATION                              
	AL = 06h
	AH = multiplex number for program
Return: AL = number of device driver headers supplied by prog.
	AH = device-driver flags (see #02576)
	DX:BX -> first device driver header (see #01646)
Program: AMIS is the Alternate Multiplex Interrupt Specification promulgated
	  by Ralf Brown
Notes:	if AL=00h, AH,BX,DX are meaningless and may be destroyed
	this function is not valid unless a program is installed on the
	  specified multiplex number; use INT 2D/AL=00h to check
	programs which provide device drivers are required to support this
	  function to be considered fully compliant with v3.6+ of the
SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=00h,INT 2D/AL=01h,INT 2D/AL=02h,INT 2D/AL=03h,INT 2D/AL=04h
SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=05h

Bitfields for AMIS device-driver information flags:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 02576)
 0	program loaded from CONFIG.SYS, and thus can not be removed from memory
	(leave clear if unable to determine)
 1	device driver headers have not been linked into DOS device chain
 2	reentrant device driver(s)