INT 10 - VIDEO - FLAT-PANEL - READ INFORMATION                                  
	AX = 1E00h
Return: AL = 1Eh if function supported
	    BL = flat-panel status (see #00052)
	    ES:DI -> information table (see #00053)
Note:	IBMInternational Busiuness MachinesInternational Busiuness Machines) A hardware, software and other service technology company founded in 1911. classifies this function as optional
SeeAlso: AX=1E01h,AX=1E02h,AX=1E03h,AX=1E04h,AX=1E05h,AX=1EFEh

Bitfields for flat-panel status:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 00052)
 7-3	reserved
 2	color display
 1	flat panel is active
 0	flat panel is attached
SeeAlso: #00053

Format of flat-panel information table:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 00053)
 00h	BYTE	number of WORDs in the remainder of the table
 01h	WORD	number of vertical pixels per meter
 03h	WORD	number of horizontal pixels per meter
 05h	WORD	total number of vertical pixels
 07h	WORD	total number of horizontal pixels
 09h	WORD	vertical pixel separation in micrometers (center-to-center)
 0Bh	WORD	horizontal pixel separation in micrometers
 0Dh	WORD	range of gray levels available, less 1
 0Fh	WORD	number of red levels available, less 1 (0000h if nonochrome)
 11h	WORD	number of green levels available, less 1 (0000h if nonochrome)
 13h	WORD	number of blue levels available, less 1 (0000h if nonochrome)
SeeAlso: #00052