INT 10 - VESA(Video Electronics Standards Association) An industry group which sets both hardware and software standards and recommendations. The term VESA is also used to denote compliance with the VESA SuperVGA BIOS Extensions, a standard set of video BIOS functions for accessing video modes of higher resolution than those defined by IBMInternational Busiuness Machines. SuperVGA BIOS(Basic Input/Output System) A set of standardized calls giving low-level access to the hardware. The BIOS is the lowest software layer above the actual hardware and serves to insulate programs (and operating systems) which use it from the details of accessing the hardware directly. - GET VBE(VESA BIOS Extensions) The common software interface for video cards providing support for high resolution and bit depth./AF v1.0P DEVICE CONTEXT BUFFER
AX = 4F0Bh
BL = subfunction
00h get length of device context buffer
01h initialize device context buffer
ES:DI -> real-mode address of buffer (see #00089)
Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported
AH = status
00h successful
CX = number of bytes required for buffer (if BL=00h on entry)
ES:DI buffer initialized (if BL=01h on entry)
01h failed
Note: this interface description is derived from the draft VBE(VESA BIOS Extensions) The common software interface for video cards providing support for high resolution and bit depth./AF proposal
(version 1.0P, document revsion 0.12P, dated 13jan95)
SeeAlso: AX=4F00h,AX=4F01h,AX=4F17h
Format of VBE(VESA BIOS Extensions) The common software interface for video cards providing support for high resolution and bit depth./AF v1.0P Device Context buffer:
Offset Size Description (Table 00089)
00h WORD maximum X coordinate in frame buffer (0 = left edge)
Note: application must never pass X coordinate greater than
this value to the SetClipRect function (values are
NOT range-checked!)
02h WORD maximum Y coordinate in frame buffer (0 = top edge)
Note: application must never pass Y coordinate greater than
this value to the SetClipRect function
04h DWORDDoubleword; four bytes. Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address. -> "SetForeColor" to set foreground color/mix (see #00091)
08h DWORDDoubleword; four bytes. Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address. -> "SetBackColor" to set background color/mix (see #00092)
0Ch DWORDDoubleword; four bytes. Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address. -> "SetClipRect" set hardware clipping rectangle (see #00093)
10h DWORDDoubleword; four bytes. Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address. -> function "DrawScan" to draw a single scan line
14h DWORDDoubleword; four bytes. Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address. -> function "DrawScanList" to draw a list of scan lines
18h DWORDDoubleword; four bytes. Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address. -> function "DrawRect" to draw a solid rectangle
1Ch DWORDDoubleword; four bytes. Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address. -> function "DrawLine" to draw a solid line
20h DWORDDoubleword; four bytes. Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address. -> function "DrawPattScan" to draw a patterned scan line
24h DWORDDoubleword; four bytes. Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address. -> function "BitBlt" to perform screen-to-screen BitBLT
28h DWORDDoubleword; four bytes. Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address. -> "TransBitBlt" to perform transparent screen-to-screen BitBLT
2Ch DWORDDoubleword; four bytes. Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address. -> "MonoBitBlt" to monochrome expansion screen-to-screen BitBLT
30h DWORDDoubleword; four bytes. Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address. -> function "SetCursor" to download hardware cursor image
34h DWORDDoubleword; four bytes. Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address. -> function "SetCursorPos" to set hardware cursor position
38h DWORDDoubleword; four bytes. Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address. -> function "SetCursorColor" to set hardware cursor color
3Ch DWORDDoubleword; four bytes. Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address. -> function "ShowCursor" to show/hide hardware cursor
40h DWORDDoubleword; four bytes. Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address. -> function "WaitTillIdle" to wait until graphics engine idle
44h DWORDDoubleword; four bytes. Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address. -> "EnableDirectAccess" to enable direct framebuffer access
48h DWORDDoubleword; four bytes. Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address. -> "DisableDirectAccess" to disable direct framebuffer access
4Ch DWORDDoubleword; four bytes. Commonly used to hold a 32-bit segment:offset or selector:offset address. -> "BankSwitchCB" bank-switching callback function
(set by application, may simply point at 32-bit VBE(VESA BIOS Extensions) The common software interface for video cards providing support for high resolution and bit depth. 2.0 bank
switching entry point)
50h WORD "VidMemSel" selector for video memory (must be set by app)
52h WORD "IOPortsOff" offset of I/O ports table in context buffer
54h WORD "IOMemoryOff" offset of I/O memory table in context buffer
56h WORD "IOMemSel1" selector for first I/O memory area specified by
I/O memory table (must be set by application)
58h WORD "IOMemSel2" selector for second I/O memory area
5Ah WORD "IOMemSel3" selector for third I/O memory area
5Ch WORD "IOMemSel4" selector for fourth I/O memory area
5Eh N BYTEs device-specific state buffer
N WORDs I/O port access table (list of ports, last entry is FFFFh)
N DWORDs I/O memory access table (list of physical-address/length pairs,
last entry is FFFFFFFFh)
N BYTEs 32-bit code for VBE(VESA BIOS Extensions) The common software interface for video cards providing support for high resolution and bit depth./AF v1.0P function
Notes: all function pointers are offsets into the 32-bit code within the
context buffer, and should be updated to point at the actual
functions after the application has copied the buffer from the
real-mode memory used for the interrupt call into its own flat-model
memory space
any functions which are not supported by the hardware have function
pointers which are set to 00000000h initially
(Table 00090)
Values for VBE(VESA BIOS Extensions) The common software interface for video cards providing support for high resolution and bit depth./AF v1.0P color mixing mode:
00h replace
01h XOR with existing pixel
02h OR with existing pixel
03h AND with existing pixel
SeeAlso: #00091,#00090
(Table 00091)
Call VBE(VESA BIOS Extensions) The common software interface for video cards providing support for high resolution and bit depth./AF v1.0P function "SetForeColor" with:
ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089)
EAX = new foreground color (format varies by video mode)
BL = new foreground mixing mode (see #00090)
SeeAlso: #00089,#00092,#00107
(Table 00092)
Call VBE(VESA BIOS Extensions) The common software interface for video cards providing support for high resolution and bit depth./AF v1.0P function "SetbackColor" with:
ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089)
EAX = new background color (format varies by video mode)
BL = new background mixing mode (see #00090)
SeeAlso: #00089,#00091,#00093
(Table 00093)
Call VBE(VESA BIOS Extensions) The common software interface for video cards providing support for high resolution and bit depth./AF v1.0P function "SetClipRect" with:
ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089)
EAX = left clipping coordinate
EBX = top clipping coordinate
ECX = right clipping coordinate
EDX = bottom clipping coordinate
SeeAlso: #00089,#00092,#00094,#00107
(Table 00094)
Call VBE(VESA BIOS Extensions) The common software interface for video cards providing support for high resolution and bit depth./AF v1.0P function "DrawScan" with:
ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089)
EAX = X1 coordinate
EBX = Y coordinate
ECX = X2 coordinate
Desc: draw a solid horizontal line from (X1,Y) to (X2,Y) in the currently-
active foreground color and mix, omitting the pixel at the largest
X coordinate
SeeAlso: #00089,#00093,#00095,#00098,#00107
(Table 00095)
Call VBE(VESA BIOS Extensions) The common software interface for video cards providing support for high resolution and bit depth./AF v1.0P function "DrawScanList" with:
ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089)
EAX = Y coordinate of first line
EBX = length of scan list
DS:ESI -> scanline list X coordinates (2N WORDs)
Desc: draw multiple solid horizontal lines at successive Y coordinates,
using the currently-active foreground color and mix, omitting the
pixel at the largest X coordinate for each line
Note: the scanline list consists of pairs of X coordinates; because the
last pixel is omitted, a scanline will be skipped if X1==X2
SeeAlso: #00089,#00094,#00096,#00107
(Table 00096)
Call VBE(VESA BIOS Extensions) The common software interface for video cards providing support for high resolution and bit depth./AF v1.0P function "DrawRect" with:
ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089)
EAX = left coordinate
EBX = top coordinate
ECX = right coordinate
EDX = bottom coordinate
Desc: draw a solid rectangle in the currently-active foreground color and
mix, omitting the rightmost X coordinate and bottom-most scan line
Note: results are undefined if EAX>ECX or EBX>EDX; nothing will be drawn if
SeeAlso: #00089,#00094,#00095,#00097
(Table 00097)
Call VBE(VESA BIOS Extensions) The common software interface for video cards providing support for high resolution and bit depth./AF v1.0P function "DrawLine" with:
ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089)
EAX = ??? (specified this way in the draft documentation!)
EBX = ???
ECX = ???
EDX = ???
ESI = ???
Desc: draw a solid line in the currently-active foreground color and mix,
given the Bresenham parameters
SeeAlso: #00089,#00094,#00096,#00098
(Table 00098)
Call VBE(VESA BIOS Extensions) The common software interface for video cards providing support for high resolution and bit depth./AF v1.0P function "DrawPattScan" with:
ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089)
EAX = X1 coordinate
EBX = Y coordinate
ECX = X2 coordinate
DL = 8-bit stipple pattern
Desc: draw a patterned horizontal line from (X1,Y) to (X2,Y) in the
currently-active foreground color and mix, omitting the pixel at
the largest X coordinate
Note: for each pixel in the line, if DL bit (X mod 8) is set, the pixel is
drawn, and left untouched if the bit is clear
SeeAlso: #00089,#00096,#00097,#00094,#00099,#00107
(Table 00099)
Call VBE(VESA BIOS Extensions) The common software interface for video cards providing support for high resolution and bit depth./AF v1.0P function "BitBlt" with:
ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089)
DS:ESI -> BitBlt parameter block (see #00100)
BL = mix operation
00h replace
01h XOR
02h OR
03h AND
SeeAlso: #00089,#00094,#00098,#00101,#00107
Format of VBE(VESA BIOS Extensions) The common software interface for video cards providing support for high resolution and bit depth./AF BitBlt parameter block:
Offset Size Description (Table 00100)
00h WORD left coordinate of source rectangle
02h WORD top coordinate of source rectangle
04h WORD right coordinate of source rectangle
06h WORD bottom coordinate of source rectangle
08h WORD left coordinate of destination rectangle
0Ah WORD top coordinate of destination rectangle
0Ch BYTE horizontal direction: 00h = decrement X, 01h = increment X
0Dh BYTE vertical direction: 00h = decrement Y, 01h = increment Y
Notes: the rightmost pixel(s) and bottom-most scan line are not copied
the horizontal/vertical direction flags are used to ensure correct
copies when the source and destination rectangles overlap
SeeAlso: #00099
(Table 00101)
Call VBE(VESA BIOS Extensions) The common software interface for video cards providing support for high resolution and bit depth./AF v1.0P function "TransBitBlt" with:
ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089)
DS:ESI -> BitBlt parameter block (see #00100)
BL = mix operation
00h replace
01h XOR
02h OR
03h AND
ECX = transparent color
Desc: copy a rectangular area from one location to another, treating pixels
with the specified color as transparent (leaving the destination
SeeAlso: #00089,#00099,#00102,#00107
(Table 00102)
Call VBE(VESA BIOS Extensions) The common software interface for video cards providing support for high resolution and bit depth./AF v1.0P function "MonoBitBlt" with:
ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089)
DS:ESI -> BitBlt parameter block (see #00100)
BL = mix operation
00h replace
01h XOR
02h OR
03h AND
BH = bit-plane from which to read
Desc: copy a rectangular area from one location to another, expanding a
single bit of each source pixel
SeeAlso: #00089,#00099,#00101
(Table 00103)
Call VBE(VESA BIOS Extensions) The common software interface for video cards providing support for high resolution and bit depth./AF v1.0P function "SetCursor" with:
ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089)
DS -> application's data segment
ESI -> 32x32 cursor data, in Windows 3.1 cursor-file format
(32 DWORDs of XOR mask followed by 32 DWORDs of AND mask)
SeeAlso: #00089,#00094,#00104,#00105
(Table 00104)
Call VBE(VESA BIOS Extensions) The common software interface for video cards providing support for high resolution and bit depth./AF v1.0P function "SetCursorPos" with:
ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089)
EAX = cursor X coordinate
EBX = cursor Y coordinate
CL = cursor's X hotspot
CH = cursor's Y hotspot
SeeAlso: #00089,#00103,#00105
(Table 00105)
Call VBE(VESA BIOS Extensions) The common software interface for video cards providing support for high resolution and bit depth./AF v1.0P function "SetCursorColor" with:
ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089)
AL = 8-bit color index, or color's Red value
AH = color's Green value (16-bpp, 24-bpp, 32-bpp modes)
BL = color's Blue value (16-bpp, 24-bpp, 32-bpp modes)
SeeAlso: #00089,#00103,#00104,#00106
(Table 00106)
Call VBE(VESA BIOS Extensions) The common software interface for video cards providing support for high resolution and bit depth./AF v1.0P function "ShowCursor" with:
ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089)
AL = new visibility (00h hide cursor, 01h show cursor)
SeeAlso: #00089,#00103,#00104,#00105
(Table 00107)
Call VBE(VESA BIOS Extensions) The common software interface for video cards providing support for high resolution and bit depth./AF v1.0P function "WaitTillIdle" with:
ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089)
Desc: pause until the hardware accelerator has completed all pending
SeeAlso: #00089,#00108,#00109
(Table 00108)
Call VBE(VESA BIOS Extensions) The common software interface for video cards providing support for high resolution and bit depth./AF v1.0P function "EnableDirectAccess" with:
ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089)
SeeAlso: #00089,#00109,#00107,AX=4F05h,#00078,#00080
(Table 00109)
Call VBE(VESA BIOS Extensions) The common software interface for video cards providing support for high resolution and bit depth./AF v1.0P function "DisableDirectAccess" with:
ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089)
SeeAlso: #00089,#00108