INT 10 - HUNTER 16 - SPLIT DISPLAY                                              
	AH = 66h
	AL = control bits (see #00187)
	BH = top row of lower section of LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) (0..7)
	BL = top row of lower section of the virtual screen (0..24)
Return: nothing
Desc:	split the LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) screen horizontally into two parts; each part may be
	  individually scrollable or fixed.
Note:	the Hunter 16 has a 240x64 LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) display which serves as a window into
	  a 640x200 virtual screen

Bitfields for HUNTER 16 control bits:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 00187)
 0-1	01: no split, 10: allow split
 2	allow scrolling the upper part
 3	allow scrolling the lower part