INT 10 - VIDEO - TANDY 2000 only - GET ADDRESS OF INCRAM                        
	AH = 71h
Return: AX:BX -> WORD containing segment address of INCRAM
	AX:CX -> WORD containing offset of INCRAM
SeeAlso: AH=70h"TANDY"

INT 10 - HUNTER 16 - DRAW LINE/BOX                                              
	AH = 71h
	DS:BX -> control block (see #00199)
Return: nothing
Desc:	Draws a line or box. Only valid in graphics modes.
SeeAlso: AH=70h"HUNTER"

Format of HUNTER 16 control block:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 00199)
 00h	WORD	left edge X co-ordinate
 02h	BYTE	lower edge Y co-ordinate
 03h	WORD	right edge X co-ordinate
 05h	BYTE	upper edge Y co-ordinate
 06h	BYTE	color (00h white, 01h black, FFh invert)
 07h	BYTE	type (00h line, 01h box)
 08h	BYTE	if non-zero (and type is BOX) fill with color