INT 2F U - DOS 4.0+ ANSI.SYS internal - MISCELLANEOUS REQUESTS                  
	AX = 1A02h
	DS:DX -> parameter block (see #02735)
Return: CF clear if successful
	CF set on error
	    AX = error code
Note:	DOS 5+ chains to previous handler if AL > 02h on call
SeeAlso: AX=1A01h

Format of ANSI.SYS parameter block:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02735)
 00h	BYTE	subfunction
		00h set/reset interlock
		01h get /L flag
 01h	BYTE	interlock state
		00h=reset, 01h=set
		  This interlock prevents some of the ANSI.SYS post-processing
		  in its hook onto INT 10, AH=00h mode set
 02h	BYTE	(returned)
		00h if /L not in effect
		01h if /L in effect