INT 2F - QRIP/TSR(Terminate and Stay Resident) A program which remains in memory after terminating in order to provide services to other programs or the user.  The name comes from the name of the DOS function call used to remain in memory after termination. - RECEIVE CHARACTERS FROM QRIP
	AX = AC06h
	DI = 1092h
Return: AX = character to send to BBS (0001h-00FFh) or special code (see #02967)
	BX = string-waiting flag
	    0001h entire string waiting to be sent to terminal (call AX=AC0Ch)
	CX = DX = AX
Note:	if DI <> 1092h on entry, QRIP chains the call
SeeAlso: AX=AC04h,AX=AC05h,AX=AC0Ch,AX=AC16h,AX=AC18h,AX=AC1Ah

(Table 02967)
Values for QRIP special codes:
 0000h	if none
 0100h	wait for user keypress (must call AX=AC16h/BL=00h or AX=AC18h)
 0101h	both/middle mouse button pressed
 0102h	entering block mode (up/download) (call AX=AC1Ah)
 0103h	right mouse button pressed
 0104h	BBS requested status bar on
 0105h	BBS requested status bar off
 0106h	BBS requested VT-102 terminal emulation
	(keypad keys should send VT-102 escape codes)
 0107h	BBS requested VT-102 mode off
 0108h	BBS requested doorway mode (raw IBMInternational Busiuness MachinesInternational Busiuness Machines) A hardware, software and other service technology company founded in 1911. keyboard ASCII/scan code pairs)
 0109h	BBS requested doorway mode off
 010Ah	hotkey mode on
 010Bh	hotkey mode off
 010Ch	BBS requested Tab-key button changing on
 010Dh	BBS requested Tab-key mode off
 010Eh	XOFF (use flow control to stop incoming characters)
 010Fh	XON (use flow control to resume incoming characters)
 0110h-0119h BBS requested application (0-9) be run
	application 0 should be a standard text editor
 01FFh	send ASCII 00h to BBS
Note:	for special codes 0104h to 010Dh, the terminal program should report
	  any mode changes it make in response by calling AX=AC16h